PICAXE 28x1 and LCD communication


New Member
Hi All...
I am new of this forum.
I hope to not ask too much stupid question...!!!:D

My question is this:
I have already done many things with picaxe..specially that 28x1.
Now, with this picaxe 28x1 I would to diplay some information with a lcd display 16x2...

Please, can you suggest me one precious type of LCD to buy (and possible where in the network :)); and a little compilation code example?!?!?!

I will very happy

A big Kiss to All


New Member
Good Day from ITALY Electic,
I have seen. It seems very interesting...thanks..;)

Can you suggest me a code example to command this LCD..???!?!?!;)

thank you very much!!!!!!!!


New Member
Sorry All...

Another question............................:confused::confused:

can you suggest me one correct type of tx and rx infrared and code...??!?!

Many thanks...!!




Senior Member
My question is this:
I have already done many things with picaxe..specially that 28x1.
Now, with this picaxe 28x1 I would to diplay some information with a lcd display 16x2...

Please, can you suggest me one precious type of LCD to buy (and possible where in the network :)); and a little compilation code example?!?!?!
You can purchase just about any 16 x 2 LCD module that's equipped with an HD44780-type parallel interface, which is just about all of them. There are thousands of different types out there, so it's impractical to recommend a single module. Check your local electronic parts sources, eBay, etc. You'll find more than you'd ever want.

(But, if you insist :), I can recommend a couple. I'm particularly fond of the miniature 16 x 2 display manufactured by Hantronix, available here, or for a full-sized display, the white-on-blue backlit module available from many vendors, including Sure Electronics on eBay.)

The very best reference on driving one of those LCD modules has been written by our very own hippy. (I'm surprised he didn't chime in, himself, with an answer to your question. Maybe he's becoming modest in his old age. :) )

His superb article is here: http://www.hippy.freeserve.co.uk/picaxelc.htm

And, for your future reference, this site will show you all the ins and outs of the HD44780 command set.

Hippy shows you how to drive the LCD, and the site referenced above will teach you what you can do with the LCD and just how to go about it.

Hope this helps.




New Member
Ciao Tom,

Thanks a lot for your great informations and congeniality..:)

I will try, and revert soon!!! :D

A very big hug from Italy
