Visual Basic 08M turn og Light


New Member
Hi hope someone can help me Please
I am tray to find sample how I can send command from Visual Basic or VB.NET to 08M to turn og Light or Relay just open and Close

will connect TxD and RxD to term 4 and Term 7



Ex-Staff (retired)
A forum search on Visual Basic will give a fair amount of previous discussion and example code.

It's not clear from your description what "term 4" and "term 7" refer to.


New Member
Ah, the wonders of the 24 hour forum - you beat me to it picaxester! Yes, you can turn things on and off with You need to write some code for the picaxe, download it, and set that code to listen to a different pin to the download pin (any input pin really), using serin. Then you send a byte or two from The tricky bit is plugging back and forth between programming and talking to the picaxe and remembering which one you are doing. Ideally copy working code, or be pretty sure that it is debugged first.