quick power-consumption question..


In the interestes of efficiency and stopping me going round the bend with my primitive toner-transfer method of etching pcbs, I'm wondering what the effect on power consumption (or indeed anything at all), might be if I ground the input pins 6 and 7 (i.e. pin numbers 15 and 16). I don't actually need them for this particular project - yet; and it's easier for pcb etching if I can just ground them.

Assuming I'm not using the two pins for anything at all, will grounding them have any adverse effects on behaviour, power consumption, or opening portals to undesirable realms?


Grounding them is good practice. Leaving them floating is more likely to result in adverse effects such as increased power consumption.


Is it safe to also ground serout?, assuming that I dont have a computer interface port - at present I am leaving it floating....


I dont need to, but current best attempt to create a pcb for my project requires a ground track to go between pins 5 and 6.
I'm not an expert at my etching yet, and I'm wondering if I need to worry about the track accidently contacting that pin. If I don't then it's easiest to just deliberately ground it.


Ex-Staff (retired)
No - Do not ground Serial Out. Never ground any output pin.

If you do that you can destroy the PICAXE. If you are worried about tracks touching pins they should not, check the etched PCB and use a craft knife or similar to remove all such shorts before using it.