Converting AXE033 LCD to AXE133?


Senior Member
I've discovered recently what a lot of things the 18M2 in an AXE133 display can do as well as driving the display. I've also got several AXE033s that are lying unused. Could I cut an LCD off one of those and connect it to an axe133 serial driver ? Or put another way, is the LCD in a 133 the same as in the 033?

I saw this thread showing the pinout of the AXE033. That wouldn't be easy to adapt for an 18M2, unless someone with lockdown time on their hands is up for a challenge.



Ex-Staff (retired)
I've also got several AXE033s that are lying unused. Could I cut an LCD off one of those and connect it to an axe133 serial driver ? Or put another way, is the LCD in a 133 the same as in the 033?
Yes. If your AXE033 or AXE133 were built with 0.1" headers you should be able to plug any HDD4780 compatible LCD into either, swap it between the two, providing that uses a single row pin connector.

The AXE033 and AXE133 circuit boards untangle the microcontroller/PICAXE to LCD pin routings so, at the point both join to the LCD, they should be exactly the same.

The linked thread seems to be considering things at a rather deeper level than that, can be ignored for what you want to do.


Senior Member
Small warning - I found some LCDs salvaged from Rolm phones do not have expected connection sequence on edge... probably this case you are good to go...


Senior Member
Yep, you can use the LCD from the AXE033 with the AXE133 PCB.

My previous thread concerned the pinout of the IC on the AXE033 PCB. You cannot use this IC on the AXE133, nor can you use the 18M2 with the AXE133 firmware on the AXE033. The LCD modules with the 16-pin connector are identical.