About AXE033


Is it necessary to buy FRM010 / firmwire chip along with AXE033 to work with any PICAXE.
I want to connect AXE033 with 20X2 and also 28X2.

Thanks in adavance.


Senior Member
No, the Axe033 comes with it's own firmware IC. This is NOT the same as the FRM010 firmware IC and they are not interchangeable.


As further comment, the FRM010 is a relatively basic LCD controller chip which accepts a serial data stream and passes that data to the LCD via a 4bit interface.
The AXE033 also has serial data transfer interface but has added features in serial mode (such as user messages) plus there is also a "dumb" terminal mode for i2c comma which does not support the added LCD features.


Display Readings and messages in Computer

Thanks for the advices. I also would like to know if there is a software or simpler method to display

1) Registor values, messages in computer, similar to displaying in a LCD.
2) To view in Graphics in dynamic mode.
3) Or even control the application from computer screen, issuing commands etc.
In short I want to control a device or devices through PICAXE with graphic interface on my computer.

Appreciate if I can get some information on this.

Thanks in advance.


For your item 1. There is:
1. The DEBUG command, and
2. The SERTXD command

For item 2. I think that you need to explain more about your precise intentions.

For item 3. you may need to consider use (and learning) of Visual BASIC which may require some dedication and study on your part. Others have posted some code here in the past for use of VB as a user interface.
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Serial Interfacing to computer

I am having trouble in understanding how to connect the computer to the PICAXE as per diagram in page 43 of the "Microcontroller Interfacing Circuits".

I am new and I have a 20X2 PICAXE. I want to see some texts / values in computer. I can not figure out which pin in PICAXE I should connect. There are no pin 0.

1) After getting how to connect, do I have to do anything to get the text dispalyed ?? I follow the code as given in the book.

2) Does it require any other communication software.

Need help to understand this.


Ex-Staff (retired)
For the "Pin 0", connect that to the digital input pin you will be using to receive serial data from the PC.

For the "Pin 1", connect that to the digital ouput pin you will be using to send serial data to the PC.


Hi ,
I am back again after a long time with some more questions about AXE033.
This time I am trying to connect AXE033 with PICAXE 40X2 controller.
I did everything that is told in the AXE033 manual for wiring and hooking up to 40X2.

1) Connected the LCD with pre-populated PCB that comes with the kit.
Mine is a non-back light and non-clock kit.
I connected pre-populated pcb with the LCD through 14 pins posts, as supplied with the kit.

2) I am using same power as that of the 40X2 controller i.e. 4.8 volt (4nos rechargaebale battery pack).

3) I am using pin c.6 for the serial out.
Connected pic.6 to IN of the pcb board.

4) I have not by passed in-board diode.

The LCD unit just does not show anything.
I down loaded sample programs as advised in the manual for testing.
But the LCD module does not show anything.
I tried to adjust the contrast. But results.

Need advise to proceed further.

Thanks and regards.

I have connected V= to +ve of the battery and 0 v to negative of the battery.
3) I am using serial mode communication.


Senior Member
2) I am using same power as that of the 40X2 controller i.e. 4.8 volt (4nos rechargaebale battery pack).

4) I have not by passed in-board diode.

The LCD unit just does not show anything.
I down loaded sample programs as advised in the manual for testing.
But the LCD module does not show anything.
I tried to adjust the contrast. But results.
Try shorting the CLK jumper which will display something even if you are not using the clock upgrade. If you still don't see anything after adjusting the contrast, short the PWR jumper.


Try shorting the CLK jumper which will display something even if you are not using the clock upgrade. If you still don't see anything after adjusting the contrast, short the PWR jumper.
After shorting the power link it starts working. I still need to test further.