Picaxe 40x2 Wiring Diagram? Am I not looking hard enough?


Senior Member
Hi all, I have been looking for a minimal running and programming schematic for the picaxe 40x2. I hope I looked enough, because I never found one. I am planning to get a 40x2 soon and would like to know what else to buy lol... resonator, reset button, reset resistor, whatever else I might need for it... anyway, Could I please get a schematic? Thanks for your time, and I appologise if I didnt look enough.


Senior Member
In the Getting Started section of Manual 1, there is a page showing the minimum operating circuit for 18 pin devices. Other than pin numbers, the circuit is the same for the 40X2.

If you have manual version 7.7, it's page 33.



Senior Member
In the Getting Started section of Manual 1, there is a page showing the minimum operating circuit for 18 pin devices. Other than pin numbers, the circuit is the same for the 40X2.

If you have manual version 7.7, it's page 33.


What about the resonator?

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What about the resonator?

If you read PICAXE manual 1 (currently V7.7) page 35 which relates to the 28X2 but shows the resonator, and then also page 42 which shows the 40X2 pin assignments you will know where and how to connect a resonator.

Note that you can have speeds up to 16 Mhz without a resonator.
If you do use a resonator there is a multiplier involved so please read PICAXE manual 2 (V7.7) page 221 for the SETFREQ to understand the use of resonators.


Senior Member
Click on the PICAXE Manual link at the top of this page.

Manual1 contents has the resonator details listed as page 46.


Senior Member

If you read PICAXE manual 1 (currently V7.7) page 35 which relates to the 28X2 but shows the resonator, and then also page 42 which shows the 40X2 pin assignments you will know where and how to connect a resonator.

Note that you can have speeds up to 16 Mhz without a resonator.
If you do use a resonator there is a multiplier involved so please read PICAXE manual 2 (V7.7) page 221 for the SETFREQ to understand the use of resonators.
Ok. Also, could the resistor between reset and high be 10k? I cant find a 4k7 one...


Ex-Staff (retired)
10K should I believe work, or you can put two 10K in parallel giving 5K which is pretty close to 4K7. I recall the spec is 1K to 10K but that's without looking at the datasheet.


10K is fine. 4k7 is 'traditional' ;)

Even higher is OK, but don't go too mad. It's merely a pull-up but there is a 'leakage' value on the input so if your value is too high it won't cleanly pull it up.

As an aside, in some PICs Microchip recommend a resistor of about 100R when pulling it down to ground for a reset. If your ground connections are good then it isn't needed but if there is a chance of a negative spike then it can cause overcurrent and the PICs to latch. It's rare but store it in the grey matter for the future.
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