Picaxe 08M Speed?


Senior Member
Hi all, Quick question.. When i set the speed in options to like 8MHz, it messes up my picaxe. If I use the setfreq command to set it to 8MHz, then will it work? I want a faster PICAXE!!! :D:D:D


Senior Member
Setfreq works fine to get 8MHz operation. I have used it myself to get SerIn at 4800 Baud.


Senior Member
Setfreq works fine to get 8MHz operation. I have used it myself to get SerIn at 4800 Baud.
Like this:
	gosub init

	setfreq m8
Then I set the options thing to 8? When i do.. it wont program... so i just program it with 4 but it runs at 8?
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Senior Member
Like this:
	gosub init

	setfreq m8
Then I set the options thing to 8? When i do.. it wont program... so i just program it with 4 but it runs at 8?
Ok.. I got it working... pause 100 is not pause 50? I am a bit confused... it runs at x2 speed so I have to multiply my pauses my 2 for it to work normally?


Senior Member
Yep, double the speed and everything takes half the time, even pauses.

If you want fast, try the 08M2. Coming soon to a PICAXE dealer near you!



IWP has given you an answer.

However if you read the manual 2 you will find for yourself this sort of action is described therein.

See Manual (currently V7.7) on page 150 for the PAUSE command:
Effect of increased clock speed:
The timebase is altered if the default frequency is altered, for instance running
4MHz parts at 8MHz will result in a pause half the expected length.
Most commands where the clock speed changes the operation in some way or casues limitation (eg only works at 4MHz and 16MHz but not 8 MHz) are covered under headings such as:
Effect of increased clock speed:​


Senior Member

IWP has given you an answer.

However if you read the manual 2 you will find for yourself this sort of action is described therein.

See Manual (currently V7.7) on page 150 for the PAUSE command:

Most commands where the clock speed changes the operation in some way or casues limitation (eg only works at 4MHz and 16MHz but not 8 MHz) are covered under headings such as:
Effect of increased clock speed:​
Ok.. from now on, i am going to look a LOT harder lol! :D THX!


One approach for getting an understanding for what the PICAXE chips can do is to just read the manuals, at least part 1 and 2 from cover to cover over a few nights.

It might seem a bit dry when not searching for a specific topic but you will get an appreciation for how they "work" so when you do want to perform a task, you may hopefully recall what command to use, and also understand the structure and overlapping of bit/byte/word variables, etc.


Senior Member
One approach for getting an understanding for what the PICAXE chips can do is to just read the manuals, at least part 1 and 2 from cover to cover over a few nights.

It might seem a bit dry when not searching for a specific topic but you will get an appreciation for how they "work" so when you do want to perform a task, you may hopefully recall what command to use, and also understand the structure and overlapping of bit/byte/word variables, etc.
Ok. I am going to do that. No music while doin it though. I usually code with music. Im listenin to Till I Collapse right now lol. Thats going to hurt. :D:D JK Lol. :D I confuse myself sometimes. :D ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;slopers lol