My first PICAXE just arrived


Hi All,

Finally my first PICAXE chip is in house now :D I had some questions before I get started expirimenting!

1) On the chip is written 'PIC18F14K22' is this 'PICAXE 20X2' ???
2) Since I just ordered two chips and one serial download cable, Where can I get softwares to get started with?

Well thanks ;) just these question in minde at the moment!


Hi All,

Finally my first PICAXE chip is in house now :D I had some questions before I get started expirimenting!

1) On the chip is written 'PIC18F14K22' is this 'PICAXE 20X2' ???
2) Since I just ordered two chips and one serial download cable, Where can I get softwares to get started with?

Well thanks ;) just these question in minde at the moment!
'PIC18F14K22' is a pic with 20 pins although I am not sure if it contains the picaxe bootstrapping code but if you ordered it through the rev-Ed website I am sure it probably does. If you goto and look for software there is a selection of software, depending if you want to program in flow charts or in basic? If you want to use flow charts then go for logicator otherwise just go for the picaxe programming editor.


Senior Member
Sean, you will need the Program Editor and the three manuals.

Click on the Software and Drivers tap at the top of this page.


Senior Member
Sean87: It's usually best to cut your teeth with a simpler 08M If you are a raw beginner with PICAXEs. You'll get on top of the key commands in a flash with just a basic 08M setup. See Andrew's Picasa pages, or my own resources.


Thanks for replies.

One thing that confuses me at the moment is in the manual always said note that X2 chips are low power? (1.8 to 3.3V) so how can I find out what is my chip voltage rating? I assume that it is from normal variant and I should use 5V for it. but correct me before I blow up my chip please.


Sean87: It's usually best to cut your teeth with a simpler 08M If you are a raw beginner with PICAXEs. You'll get on top of the key commands in a flash with just a basic 08M setup. See Andrew's Picasa pages, or my own resources.
Yeah I am a bit new to this but as my project will be controling 8 relays using PC's RS232 so I guess I had to go with 20X2


Senior Member
Yeah I am a bit new to this but as my project will be controling 8 relays using PC's RS232 ...
Excuse the analogy, but your quest may be akin to a learner driver wrestling with an articulated truck!


Thanks for replies.

One thing that confuses me at the moment is in the manual always said note that X2 chips are low power? (1.8 to 3.3V) so how can I find out what is my chip voltage rating? I assume that it is from normal variant and I should use 5V for it. but correct me before I blow up my chip please.
Its back to reading PICAXE manual 1 page 16.

Only the 28 and 40 pin X2 parts had separate lower (3V) volt and higher (5V) versions which are now superceded but a wider supply voltage range rated part.

The PIC18F14K22 (20X2) datasheet indicates the voltage range as:
1.8 V to 5.5 V for clock frequencies up to 20 MHz
2.7 V to 5.5 V for clock frequencies up to 64 MHz


Its back to reading PICAXE manual 1 page 16.

Only the 28 and 40 pin X2 parts had separate lower (3V) volt and higher (5V) versions which are now superceded but a wider supply voltage range rated part.

The PIC18F14K22 (20X2) datasheet indicates the voltage range as:
1.8 V to 5.5 V for clock frequencies up to 20 MHz
2.7 V to 5.5 V for clock frequencies up to 64 MHz
Thanks, Does this mean I will have different clock freqs if I use either 1.8V or 2.7V?? sorry for dumb question!


NO, changing the voltage does not change the clock frequency.

But changing to higher frequncy (you need an external resonation for the higher frequencies) may require the use of a higher than the minimum voltage.

For example you can operate at 16 Mhz and a voltage of 1.8 Volts but,
if you raise the frequency to 32 Mhz or 64 MHz then the voltage must be at least 2.7V.