XBee USB-serial converter question


New Member
Hello everyone, quick question. :confused:

If I had problems with my USB-serial converter (specifically a Gigaware model that I got from Radioshack) when using it to program a Picaxe chip, will I have problems if I try to use the same converter to configure a XBee module using the picaxe programming editor?


New Member
Re will I have problems if I try to use the same converter to configure a XBee module using the picaxe programming editor?

Not necessarily. I have a number of USB to serial devices that won't program picaxe but work fine programming other chips. You can even take two of them, do a pin 2 to 3 crossover and have two terminal programs talking to each other. That tests out a lot of things.

I think the problem is the 'break' signal which isn't passed correctly - "This is when the data line is held in a Logic 0 state for a time long enough to send an entire word." from http://www.lookrs232.com/rs232/waveforms.htm

Given most programmers and most RS232 comms doesn't use the break signal, you may well find the xbee works just fine. (and if it doesn't work, then maybe the problem is something else. RS232 can be a bit of a black art).

Give it a try and please let us know.