What PICAXE starter Pack is best to buy ?


New Member

I hope someone can help me Please

I was thinking to buy PICAXE starter Pack and need to know what pack is best to buy
so I can well do almost writhing :)



Ex-Staff (retired)
The most flexible starter kits are probably the AXE090 and AXE090U ( the USB version ).

It's hard to say what's best for any individual though. That depends upon what sort of things you may be interested in doing; are you more interested in electronics and hardware interfacing or in software ?

You might also want to consider getting more than one type of PICAXE controller so you can build multi-PICAXE systems and there are some Project Boards which may prove themselves useful there.


New Member
Thanks for your Replay

I am more interesting how to learn the programming and and read from sensor and stuff like that
in the moment I am tray to make counter with photosensor and was thinking to tray it with Picaxe

but I will look at AXE090 and AXE090U and order one

Thanks for your Replay Hippy


Senior Member
You might find the green book a good place to look - lots of examples of almost everything you might want to do when you start. I expect you can get it wherever you buy the chips.


Senior Member

Sigster: It depends on your learning style & experience of course, but I STRONGLY recommend you start really simply with PICAXEs. I've had countless emails since 2002 (!) from frustrated users immersed in 28/40 "rocket science" stuff, & in many cases they'd answer their own queries by FIRST getting a feel for things with a breadboarded 08(M) flashing a few LEDs etc. Stan
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I'd go along with hippy on this.
I wouldn't go for bare breadboard straightaway as I've seen so many posts where people can't get the 2/3 component download circuit working - causes frustration etc.

So, getting a kit where it's done for you makes sense. And with that kit you can then breadboard your circuit without soldering/desoldering/overheating and the pads falling off. I think the 090 is just right. I know its more expensive, but it'll allow you to get up and running and experimenting.
AND because it has a regulator it means you can run it for hours from a wall-wart and not waste batteries AND allow you to do ADC stuf with a good reference dead easily.