What Kind of Stuffed Animals are Best for Teenage Girls

If you're thinking of buying a stuffed animal as a gift for a teenage girl, you may want to keep the following things in mind. Teenage girls do, generally, like stuffed animals and appreciate receiving them as gifts. There are exceptions to every rule, but you're pretty safe on the stuffed animal front. But why do teenage girls like stuffed animals (in a way that teenage boys usually don't), and what kind of stuffed animals would they therefore appreciate having?


While no longer properly kids, female teenagers still often find comfort in stuffed animals. And unlike kids, teenagers have much more complex and life-altering issues to deal with, like boyfriends/girlfriends, drugs, peer pressure, self-image and self-discovery, etc., and stuffed animals can in some small way help them through. For this reason plush, soft, squeezable stuffed animals (as opposed to rougher, stiffer stuffed animals) make thoughtful gifts.


Besides comfort, teenage girls frequently appreciate stuffed animals as part of their room decor or personal style. An exotic leopard stuffed animal can make a locker look more distinctive, while a giant panda bear stuffed animal could be the center piece of a teenager's bedroom. So I would recommend purchasing less mainstream stuffed animals. Instead of teddy bears or cat stuffed animals, try a dolphin or creatively designednici winter gray bear dolls.


Finally, teenage girls enjoy owning stuffed animals as keepsakes reminding them of a person or event. Did the female teenager in question take a trip to Boston? How about giving her a lobster stuffed animal? Does she take horseback riding lessons? Then perhaps the stuffed animal gift choice is clear. Consider which events, people or activities seem to make her happy?

Whatever stuffed animal you choose will be well received as long as you keep in mind the personality, interests, and hobbies of the teenage girl. Whether she uses the stuffed animal primarily as a means of comfort, decorative element, keepsake, or some combination, a stuffed animal makes a great gift choice.