What’s new on the X2?


Senior Member
What’s new on the X2?

Well what I can see a couple of things that excite me.

Updating program slots from i2c EEPROM and running additional code from external i2c EEPROM.

Run slot
#slot number
Select the internal program slot (1-4) or i2c program slot (5-8) on X2 parts.
#revision number
Set the user program version (1-254) on X2 parts.
#slot1file “filename” Programming Editor Only
#slot2file “filename” Programming Editor Only
Include the filename of other slots (1 to 8) for simulations (X2 parts).
Example: #slot1file “c:\test.bas”

And these additions to name a few.

Mode is a variable/constant whose bits specify special functions:
bit0 - background receive serial data to the scratchpad
bit1 - invert serial output data (0 = ‘T’, 1 = “N”)
bit 2 - invert serial input data (0 = “T”, 1 = “N”) (X2 parts only)

flag0 hint0flag X2 only - interrupt on B.0
flag1 hint1flag X2 only - interrupt on B.1
flag2 hint2flag X2 only - interrupt on B.2
flag3 hintflag X2 only - occurs when any of 0,1,2 has occurred

PICAXE-28X2, 40X2 parts have 1024 scratchpad bytes (0-1023)


new features with X1 and X2 parts

And . . . . .

maybe by the time the X2 parts are on the shelf,

the use of brackets for some mathematical precedence will come to fruition for the X1 parts :)

On X1 and X2 parts it is possible to enclose part equations in brackets e.g.
let w1 = w2 / ( b5 + 2)
Recall it being stated by Technical that this was just a case of getting the Programme Editor amended not an issue with PICAXE firmware