Value not found in parameter mapping table


Senior Member
Help appreciated with this error message: Value 'ULN2803A' of VALUE not found in parameter mapping table of sheet 'U2'. U2 is meant to be the darlington chip of the CHI030 project board that I am simulating with an 18X Picaxe chip to control it. So far I have built the board, but not yet added the project bits and pieces. I'm building it so it can be a template for future projects on the same board.

Unfortunately, this software, though pretty amazing when I use it right, is too complex for the occasional user (me) to track this kind of error. The chip appears to be in the library and I can't find a parameter mapping table to fiddle with! As it is a simple enough design I had hoped it would 'just work'.

Knowing how good this forum is I think a word from the wise might save me a lot of time!


Technical Support
Staff member
We don't really understand your question, please post the .dsn file as an attachment.


Senior Member
design file

Thanks for your response. The message occurs when trying to run this file, which is a first draft (so not necessarily correct) copy of your Picaxe 18 project board.

I should add I am using version 1.0.3 - recent updates on top of a very early original licensed copy.


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Technical Support
Staff member
It appears the ISIS model expects the part to be named ULN2803 not ULN2803A. So simply change the component value property to ULN2803, not ULN2803A.

You will then get errors for all your pin connectors - as they are not modelled as anything! To overcome this new problem right click, select properties and then tick 'exclude from simulation'. A better way of modelling would just to use default terminals instead of pins (right click > place > terminal > default).