Using setint command with an infrared receiver


New Member
I am creating a night light using a 28X picaxe board. I have added on an infrared receiver which inputs simple signals from my infrared remote control. Instead of using pulse width modulation, i have decided to manually:
high 6
low 5
low 7
pause 30
low 6
pause 30
goto swon61

I want this loop to cycle, until there is a new infrared command inputted by the infrared receiver, so i need my pixaxe board to look for a new input afer every command. How do i use 'setint' with 'infrain' to do this?


Upgrading the 28X ?

The easiest, but not the cheapest, method is to
upgrade to a 28X1.

Then use the IRIN command, with a very short timeout.

See Manual 2 (Basic) page 86.
