USB to Serial Converter


New Member
hey to all . . . I can't seem to get a PL-230 to work with Windows 7. Same device works fine with XP, tried different ports, nothing. Any clues?

Thanks, John.


Senior Member
By you using the PL-230 driver i take it you are using a Chinese made Ritmo cable.

Have you tried the HL-340 driver.


I tried and tried and tried and tried (Windows 7 Ultimate x64) ...and gave up. Couldn't even get it to work in XP. The (cheapo eBay) cable went in the bin....


Senior Member
Ahrr, there is the problem.......they dont work with 64 bit, they will work faultlessly with 32 bit.

I feel 64 bit is a bad system for add ons as there is little support with drivers for the average stuff.

I know of many people caught out with upgrading to 64 bit and very little of their equipment will work with it and often no drivers available to suit.

Nothing wrong with the cable just donate it to someone using 32 bit.