umm i think ive found a bug


New Member
on flowcharts a box saying gosub sub3 is running sub1 any ideas why? here is the converted code

symbol LED0 = 0
symbol LED1 = 1
symbol LED2 = 2
symbol LED3 = 3
symbol LED4 = 4
symbol LED5 = 5
symbol LED6 = 6
symbol LED7 = 7
symbol switch1 = pin0
symbol switch2 = pin1
symbol switch3 = pin2
symbol switch4 = pin6
symbol reset = pin7

label_20: if switch1=1 then label_2B
if switch2=1 then label_4B
if switch3=1 then label_54
if switch4=1 then label_1CD
goto label_20

label_2B: gosub sub0
goto label_20

label_4B: gosub sub1
goto label_20

label_54: gosub sub2
goto label_20

label_1CD: gosub sub3
goto label_20

label_61: let pins = 85 ' %01010101
let pins = 170 ' %10101010
let pins = 0 ' %00000000
if reset=1 then label_81
goto label_61

label_81: return

label_F2: let pins = 0 ' %00000000
let pins = 2 ' %00000010
let pins = 4 ' %00000100
let pins = 16 ' %00010000
let pins = 32 ' %00100000
let pins = 64 ' %01000000
let pins = 128 ' %10000000
let pins = 64 ' %01000000
let pins = 32 ' %00100000
let pins = 16 ' %00010000
let pins = 8 ' %00001000
let pins = 4 ' %00000100
let pins = 2 ' %00000010
let pins = 1 ' %00000001
if reset=1 then label_87
goto label_F2

label_87: return

label_104: let pins = 129 ' %10000001
let pins = 66 ' %01000010
let pins = 36 ' %00100100
let pins = 24 ' %00011000
let pins = 36 ' %00100100
let pins = 66 ' %01000010
let pins = 129 ' %10000001
if reset=1 then label_140
goto label_104

label_140: return

label_153: let pins = 128 ' %10000000
let pins = 64 ' %01000000
let pins = 160 ' %10100000
let pins = 80 ' %01010000
let pins = 168 ' %10101000
let pins = 84 ' %01010100
let pins = 170 ' %10101010
let pins = 85 ' %01010101
let pins = 42 ' %00101010
let pins = 21 ' %00010101
let pins = 10 ' %00001010
let pins = 5 ' %00000101
let pins = 2 ' %00000010
let pins = 0 ' %00000000
if reset=1 then label_1D9
goto label_153

label_1D9: return


Technical Support
Staff member
No problem with conversion, your original flowchart is at fault. As there are no pauses in your program the 'let pins' lines will happen so fast you can't see them!


New Member
thats not the problem... its going to sub3 when it should go to a different sub.. as i can tell from the surrounding red boxes and setting the delay to max so i could see what was happening


Senior Member
I ran your code on a 28X and as far as I could see it worked as intended ie a different light pattern for each input switch.