Tune command, note designation?


New Member
Hello, All:

I'm not much of a musician, but I'm nevertheless interested in playing tunes with the Picaxe. I admire the tune wizard but am puzzled by the note names as described in the manual.

Page 171 of the picaxe manual2 identifies "middle C" as C6, at 523 Hz. Most people seem to agree that "middle C" is somewhere around 256 Hz (C4 at 261.63 Hz on the tempered scale) and according to the standard piano tuning, the closest C to 523 Hz is C5 (523.25 Hz, the 52nd key on the piano). Aside from the issue of what to call middle C, all the note names in the manual seem to be up an octave.

Not that it matters much, but does anyone know why this is so? Perhaps it is an error, or a different convention, but a quick search through the forum archives did not suggest that this question has previously been raised.

Cheers, Jim


Technical Support
Staff member
The Tune Wizard was designed to work with RTTTL format ring tones.

Most of these ring tones operate with octaves 5,6,7 and so those were the octaves selected for putting in the PICAXE firmware.

The middle of the supported range (5-6-7) is 6 in this case.... admittedly not what a piano would give out!


New Member
Thanks. The illustration on page 171 shows a piano keyboard and by associating the incorrect frequency with the notes, mislabels the keys. This might be confusing to musically oriented students.