To boldy go .....


Has anyone got, or can point me towards a bas or RTTL for the

original Star Trek theme? (Kirk/Spock/Scotty etc.)

I'd like a Picaxe sound command for a little project I'm building.
I've tried several searches and found various RTTL's, but
they're all from the modern versions.
I'm totally un-musical and incapable of writing one myself.

TiA. e.

D n T

Senior Member
I can ni give it any more captain

'Star Trek
tune 0, 13,($65,$6A,$03,$42,$6A,$67,$40,$05)

tune 0, 9,($67,$40,$05,$44,$40,$69,$42,$47,$6C,$67,$40,$05,$44,$40,$69,$42,$47)

I would like to get the star trek door sound


Ex-Staff (retired)
I'm totally un-musical and incapable of writing one myself.
If you can find a musical score it's not as hard to convert as you may imagine. The shape of the note dictates its length and where it sits on 'the fence' dictates its frequency. Reading music is easy once a couple of rules are learned; playing that music in ones head or on an instrument is what takes talent.

What I find surprising is that none of the musicians I know can read music nor transcribe someone else's music into a score, but if you can find one who can it's a very quick job.