This + That = Possible?


Senior Member
Not having any experience in either of those, but I don't see why not. Especially as the X2s can run at some amazingly high clock speeds.

But why not use a VMUSIC2? Storage and MP3 decoding in one unit. Only need to send control signals to start, stop, forward etc.


Senior Member
Well, I'm just keen to try something different, a little cheaper (closer to NZ therefore less $$$ postage), and possibly with higher capacity. I have a VMUSIC2, have heard of people using up to 2Gb USB sticks in them. I thought there might be a limit of that or 4Gb, not sure.

It (VM2) has the advantage that the USB-mp3-DAC-etc-so forth is nicely globbed together, but the futurlec one could take a bigger card.