Subroutines in the flowchart editor


New Member
There seems to be a bit of corruption in the flowchart editor when trying to place new gosubs within a flowchart. At the moment I'm trying to use a 3rd subroutine, but when I place a Gosub icon and select Sub 3, it won't access that routine when running. It also won't let me change any of the existing Gosubs to anything other than Sub 3. Any history of this?


Technical Support
Staff member
There are no known errors, try deleting the sub and gosub cells and then pulling out new replacements from the menu.

Note you can not rename a sub with a name of another sub, ie you can't pull out 'sub 2' and then try and call it 'sub 3' etc. The original name of the sub is shown on the left of the edit bar when the sub cell is selected.