Steady hand game in Logicator

Brian Sprague

New Member
I wish to develop a SHG circuit. Basically if you touch the wire loop twice on the way round a led will come on and you are out of the game. If you get all the way around the probe will touch a second wire and will play a tune. Wish to use 08M if possible via PIC logicator. Can anyone send example program?


Senior Member
Generally we tend not to provide finished solutions in the belief that it is better to have some guidence and then solve the problem yourself - that way you learn how things work and how to do it and you understand what has been done.

BUT in this case I will make an exception for a fellow student at Edghill (I graduated 10 years ago - Say Hi to Charles for me :0)

I am not familiar with he workings of the logicator software but you can either use the Picaxe flow chart software or alternativly this basic code should do much of what you are looking for.

'===assumes that pin 3 is the main wire contact
'=== Pin 2 is the finish contact
'=== connect handle to +5 Volts.
'=== Output 0 LED
'=== Output 4 tune.
low 0 'resets the LED for a new game

if pin3=1 then count 'checks the main wire for contact
if pin 2=1 then winner 'checks the end game contact for a winner
goto main ' go round the loop again

B0=B0+1 'counts the touches
if B0=2 then endgame 'if touched twice ends game

goto main ' jumps back to check if touched once only


High 0 'puts LED on
b0=0 'resets B0 for next game
if pin2=1 then start 'holds the game until reset bytouching the finish contact
goto resetsignal

Play tune - You have to work this out for yourself - See the manuals.
goto main

This is untested and you might want to add a reset switch to start the game again.

PS remember your pupils want you to tell them the answer but will benifit from working it out for themselves. :)

Edited by - rickharris on 10/20/2005 7:56:14 PM