standard protocol for stepper drivers?


I've played around with making a stepper motor driver using an 08M chip.

I set it up so that when the main picaxe (18X) sends a pulse to the 08M, it steps one time. For that application, it was fine to not have direction info also being sent to the 08m.

Question is: What is the standard format for data sent to an stepper controller. Or is there a standard?

I can think of different ways to do it but was wondering if there was a standard that would allow compatibility with other drivers. (I plan to get an easydriver at some point)



Senior Member
Stepper drivers used in the DIY CNC field typically have two pins per axis one sets the direction and then the other is pulsed to move one step. Typically these are then controlled by a PC LP port




So for the direction pin, would that be
high= (one direction) and low = (opposite) ?

and for the step, is there a standard length of time for the pulse?