Speedcontroller for the LRK brushless motor


New Member
Speedcontroller for brushless motor

Link: http://www.aerodesign.de/peter/2001/LRK350/Bilder_eng.html


How can I read out the number of passages of the code above?

I wish to convert the count converted to minutes.

My code :


symbol timer = w1
symbol R_Phase = 0
symbol S_Phase = 1
symbol T_Phase = 2
high R_Phase 'Start

CountOut: timer = 0 'clear timer counter


timer = timer + 1 'add one to the time counter
if timer > 200 then CountOut 'then time_out every 1 minuts and timer =0
debug timer

gosub INC_Command '1 Steep
high R_Phase 'windings
high S_Phase 'windings
low T_Phase 'windings

gosub INC_Command '2 Steep
low R_Phase 'windings
high S_Phase 'windings
high T_Phase 'windings

gosub INC_Command '3 Steep
high R_Phase 'windings
low S_Phase 'windings
high T_Phase 'windings
goto start

readadc 0,b8 'read A0 to b8 Speedcontroller

let b7 = b8 'Expression command
label_5: let b6 = b6 + 1 'Inc command
if b7 = b6 then label_7 'Compare command
goto label_5

let b6 = 0 'Expression command
return 'End

Can you please give me an example of such code in the PICAXE Programming Editor?

Best regards


Senior Member
Ummm ... wow! You aren't ment to treat these motors as steppers. I'm sorry but there is much more to controlling servo motors than just the firing sequence. You don't have a show of doing the job with a picaxe.



Senior Member
That said, you could cheat by using a current limited power supply supplying the motor. You still need the three phase amplifier and usually this is done with three switching circuits controlled by three PWM outputs but can be done with two PWMs with the third one derived.

So, I think it might be possible to do a shaky version with the picaxe.



New Member
To Evan

I’m translated with a solarcelle 12 Vdc to 3 Phase (RST) as a brushless motors can drive on.
Shove LRK-motor:
Link: http://www.aerodesign.de/peter/2001/LRK350/Bilder_eng.html

No, it's a 3 Phase (R S T) brushless AC motor I'm making a controller for.

In middle of the program illustrated above, I'd
like to read the time it takes to run the program
from the beginning to the end. - And then count
the number of passages per minute.



Senior Member
SERTXD is the best command for reporting information via comms port.

There is no realtime timers documented for the Picaxe but you can access the Special Function Registers in the underlying Pic's memory map using PEEK.
