Simple Picaxe Robot


Senior Member
Hi all, I have decided to make a BOT! I realize that I need to learn more before writing my own interpeter (i spell that right?) or ... other stuff thats WAY too hard for me. :D Anyway, heres my question:

If I combine these parts:

Will I have a FULLY functional chassis for my bot? All I'll need is the controller... motor driver, and picaxe... right? Maybe just some transistors.. but.. yeah, If I combine all those, will I get a functional robot chassis? Thanks for your time! I'll let you know what happens or if I have any more questions. THX!!!


Senior Member
When I was at school in the 80s, for a final project I built an IO buffer box for a BBC Micro and wrote a complete mini-programming language with editor to control the IO lines within BBC Basic, it's not impossible just time consuming and personally I wouldn't want to attempt it with a Picaxe :)

Yes those look like all you'll need for the mechanics for a basic chassis, but what are your ideas for controlling it, wireless manual control (with perhaps some sensors for a little autonomy) or full autonomy?

My RP5 tracked chassis so far consists of: chassis, Picaxe 18m2, battery pack, XRF radio module & L298N h-bridge motor driver.
The transmitter end is a battery pack, XRF radio module & Picaxe 18m2 which is wired to the two potentiometers of an old RC car transmitter (eventually all the electronics will go inside the transmitter with a small LCD screen, still at the testing/prototyping stage right now).

BTW, have a look at:


Senior Member
"I realize that I need to learn more before writing my own interpeter"

"All I'll need is the controller... motor driver, and picaxe... right? Maybe just some transistors.. but.. yeah, If I combine all those, will I get a functional robot"

You really need to read the manual.


Senior Member
Haku. That is a remote controlled vehicle. A Robot is autonomous.

I always hated 'Robot wars' on TV because before it was ever broadcast, when there was only the Promo-clips shown, I naively thought that it might actually be Robot v Robot. (Like the real robot competitions at MIT and in Japan)


Senior Member
I want it to be fully autonomys. (spell that right?) Also, I am in progress of reading the manuals. Also, I am going to use a Picaxe 18M2. Some bump sensors OR, an ultrasonic sensor. Fot my first basic bot, I want it to be an object avoider. So... yeah. I have gotten what I NEED from this topic.. so.. yea. Ima get back to the manuals. :D


Senior Member
12 lol. :D Thats y im so... how i am. :D Also, I jsut finished the first manual. My neck hurts now lol. Also, LetsMakeRobots is a GREAT site! Thanks for the link!


Senior Member
Thats a prety cool bot! Must have been tough to make... Sweet though! I am planning to order my electronics soon... But, I need to figure out what im going to use to drive those motors... just some transistors...? I read in one of the comments that they were pulling 2.2 amps... can that be?


Senior Member
Whatever motor you are using, first you need to establish the stall current. This can be on the motor datasheet, or you can measure it directly.

Can you measure the stall current?


Senior Member
CC: Bravo on your pre-teen quest! IMHO you're fizzing in all directions however. Try to FOCUS on a single topic (maybe LEDs) & build your skills incrementally. You do not need to totally master micros in a few days!

Which US state are you in? As it's probably summer where you are,some-time-away-from-the-computer may be beneficial?! For starters perhaps put your feet up in the shade with a good "Queen's English" book ? One of the best technical ripping yarns around is R.V.Jones "Most Secret War". I must have read this a dozen times & always find it a "can't put down". It may change the way you think! Stan. in New Zealand


Senior Member

Just bought that book on your recommendation.

If it's not as good as you say, I'll find you and steal your doormat.