‘ Simon Says Game
‘ For PICAXE-28
‘ Start switch on input 0
‘ Push swithes on inputs 1-4
‘ LEDs on outputs 1-4
‘ Piezo on output 5
symbol rand = b1 ‘ random for loading memory
symbol key = b2 ‘ switch 1-2-3-4
symbol position = b3 ‘ position of player in game
symbol freq = b4 ‘ sound variable
symbol counter = b5 ‘ number of steps in sequence
‘ *** This section waits for start ***
‘ wait for start switch to be pushed
‘ with all four LEDs lit
‘ preload rand with any number by repeatedly
‘ using the random command in the loop
let pins = %00001111
random rand
if pin0 = 1 then preload
goto init
‘ *** This section loads memory for game ***
‘ load EEPROM memory with 64 numbers
‘ first get the random number (0 to 255)
‘ and then change to either 1,2,3 or 4
‘ and then save into data memory
for position = 0 to 63
let key = 0
random rand
if rand > 180 then set1
if rand > 120 then set2
if rand > 60 then set3
set4: let key = key + 1
set3: let key = key + 1
set2: let key = key + 1
set1: let key = key + 1
write position,key
next position
‘ *** This section plays back a sequence ***
‘ switch off the LEDs and then start
‘ a game with the end counter as 1
let pins = %00000000
let counter = 1
‘ playback the game sequence
for position = 0 to counter
read position,key
gosub beep
pause 500
next position
‘ *** This section detects the players reply sequence ***
‘ now the user responds
‘ reset the players position to 0
position = 0
‘ get the correct key player is supposed to hit
‘ from the EEPROM memory
read position,key
‘ if position is equal to counter then all done
if position = counter then success
‘ else wait for switch to be pressed
loop1:if pin1 = 1 then played1
if pin2 = 1 then played2
if pin3 = 1 then played3
if pin4 = 1 then played4
if pin0 = 1 then preload
goto loop1
‘ switch pressed so check it is the correct one
‘ if it is make a beep sound and then continue
‘ else fail the game
if key <> 1 then fail
let position = position + 1
gosub beep
goto gameloop
if key <> 2 then fail
let position = position + 1
gosub beep
goto gameloop
if key <> 3 then fail
let position = position + 1
gosub beep
goto gameloop
if key <> 4 then fail
let position = position + 1
gosub beep
goto gameloop
‘ *** Failed so make noise and jump back to start ***
‘ failed so make failed noise, light all LEDs
‘ and go back to start
pause 250
let pins = %00011110
sound 5,(100,300)
goto init
‘ *** Succeeded so add another step to sequence and loop ***
‘ success so make a success sound
‘ and then increment counter and do another sequence
pause 50
sound 5,(50,100)
pause 50
sound 5,(50,100)
pause 500
let counter = counter + 1
goto playback
‘ *** sub light LED and beep ***
‘sub-procedure to light correct LED
‘and make a different beep sound for each LED
‘key always contains number 1,2,3 or 4
‘multiply sound freq by 10 to give larger difference
high key
freq = key * 10
sound 5,(freq,100)
low key