serout command


New Member
this is a follow up to my earlier question (cheers for advice) when sending info from the serout i read that you could send out ascii code. the script im using is:

let b0 = "a"
pause 1000
serout 1, n2400, (b0)

I presumed that as the value of b0 had been set as a it would send the ascii code for the letter a out to the other device. is this correct, or do i need to get "b0" to equal the ascii code for a (i.e. decimal value 65)


Ex-Staff (retired)
That should work, although the ASCII code for "a" is 97 decimal, $61 hexadecimal, capital "A" is 65 decimal, $41 hexadecimal.

All the following are the same ...

- LET b0 = "a"
- LET b0 = 97
- LET b0 = $61
- LET b0 = %01100001


Senior Member
Yes, that's correct.


let b0 = "a" + 1

will give the same result as

let b0 = "b"

It's only different ways (notations) to write the same binary number.
