Serial Graphic LCD?


Senior Member
Hi all, I was jsut wondering, how easy would it be to use THIS:
with a picaxe 08M? I hope to get a M2 soon, but for now, M. So, how well would it work? There is a link to the datasheet there. Also, can anyone give me a basic idea on how I would work with this and my 08M? Thank you very much for your time. :D PLEASE REPLY ASAP! THX!!!


Senior Member
Two words: patience and timezones.

Most posters are in the UK (including the Rev-Ed people) and it's almost 6am here right now, so not exactly tech help time :)
The New Zealand & Australian posters are more likely to post at this time, I'm only up this late because I'm a night owl.


Senior Member
Two words: patience and timezones.

Most posters are in the UK (including the Rev-Ed people) and it's almost 6am here right now, so not exactly tech help time :)
The New Zealand & Australian posters are more likely to post at this time, I'm only up this late because I'm a night owl.
Oh. sorry.. its 12:00 here. :D I need to be more patient. Gotta work on that.
*writes it in his list of things that he'll "try" to do lol*


Senior Member
CC: Diplomatic request (no doubt on bealf of other Forum members!). Can you perhaps let us all know more about yourself & your region,budgets,resources,experience & project time frames. Most of us are usually happy to share our collective wisdom & help with well worded & focused requests, BUT I for one do not have a crystal ball... Stan, (New Zealand)


Senior Member
CC: Diplomatic request (no doubt on bealf of other Forum members!). Can you perhaps let us all know more about yourself & your region,budgets,resources,experience & project time frames. Most of us are usually happy to share our collective wisdom & help with well worded & focused requests, BUT I for one do not have a crystal ball... Stan, (New Zealand)
Sure, I live in North Dakota, America. My budjets... around 200 bucks for my medium sizd projects... I have a radio shack at the mall. I have a pretty good ammount of experience in electronics and microcontrollers, aswell as some programming. My project time frames? Well, I will spend years on a project if I like it enough. It just depends.. 1 week building it, 1 year coding it... also.. As you guys can tell, i have a bit of a patience issue... mostly online too... but yea.. i am trying. Just trying. So.. time zone would be Central... something... its 2:30 AM here.. so .. yea. :D


The next question is:
What information are you proposing to display on this gLCD? :confused:

That can have a bearing on how much memory you need in the PICAXE to hold the text, data or other information to serially send to the gLCD.

I have not looked at the actual Sparkfun gLCD you mention but I have done some work with the 4D Systems graphic OLED displays.
If it is images you wish to dispaly and maybe even write test over the top of the images then that could be a consideration as the 4D Systems modules accept a micro SD memroy card that can hold images.
They are available from Sparkfun:
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Senior Member
The next question is:
What information are you proposing to display on this gLCD? :confused:

That can have a bearing on how much memory you need in the PICAXE to hold the text, data or other information to serially send to the gLCD.

I have not looked at the actual Sparkfun gLCD you mention but I have done some work with the 4D Systems graphic OLED displays.
If it is images you wish to dispaly and maybe even write test over the top of the images then that could be a consideration as the 4D Systems modules accept a micro SD memroy card that can hold images.
They are available from Sparkfun:
It is going to be 99 percent text... maybe a few menus... not VERY nice ones... just a simple little menu or 2. I am making a Picaxe based "Computer" so... yeah. I saw the Diy Laptop v1 and v2 and thats what got me going. :D