Send back X1 parts for firmware upgrade


Senior Member
I have 3 28x1s and a 40x1 (bought from rapidonline) that require their firmware to be updated. At the moment, they are all firmware version A.3.

Could anyone point me to the right direction if it is ok to send picaxes bought from rapidonline back to (rev-ed) for their firmware to be updated and sent back to me?


Senior Member
Sorry, as we say in Victoria, Au you have two chances, Buckleys and none.
The parts are programmed with automated equipment, I doubt very much Rev Ed even does it themselves. Surely it would be outsourced.
They're not going to mess around with a couple of ic's worth a few bucks.

Andrew Cowan

Senior Member
Reved do the flashing themselves. I know that someone who had loads of 28x1s (about 25) had the firmware updated, as a bug meant his project didn't work. It's worth an email, but I would't hope for too much.



Ex-Staff (retired)
@ tiscando : Please email info at tech-supplies dot co dot uk and your issue will be dealt with.