RFID connection


New Member
Hi all,

I'm hoping you can help with some info on RFID.

I have picked up a sensor unit labelled "ID-12 Innovations 05110030" and a small key fob unit.

The sensor is already attached to a small PCB with clearly labelled connections for 0V, +V and Output.

The unit has 10 connections but only 5 are actually connected to the PCB.

I have connected the unit using 4.5v across 0V and +V and then put a multimeter across 0v and the output in the hope that putting the key fob close to it would give a varying voltage.

The output voltage appears to be 50mV but placing the key fob close (or even touching) does not affect the voltage reading.

So am I along the right lines in terms of testing? Could there be a battery issue with the key fob? Is 4.5v correct for the sensor unit etc etc?

I have included some pics.

Cheers in advance,




Senior Member
These things do work with picaxe. I did a lot of work with the 'ID' brand of reader a while ago. I serially read the data from reader into the picaxe then sertxd the fob data no problem. So it does work, hang in there and you'll get it to work.