Thanks for all the info and things to take into consideration. now to answer all the questions....
"whats the aplication?", again this is for my work, we have what we call "air chillers" to cool the cooked product. currently they are using 1970"s technology with what alkar(company name) calls the "juno". I have written a windows program to replace this using the outputs from the printer port to control solid state relays for fans and coolant. but I need to get my product temp and chamber temp into the computer, I have tried two ways already. 1. using a thermistor interfaced with the game port, did not work cause not all computers have a game port. 2. DS1820, didnt work, the outside temp transversed down the wires and influenced the DS1820 probe messuring internal product temp to eratic temps that couldnt be compensated for. So I decided the best route was to try and use the existing probes.
Explination of the probe: when I look up the part number all I can get is it is a RTD probe. It has 4 wires, 2 red, 1 white and a sheild ground.
saught setup: to interface these probes to the picaxe, do the conversions and spit me out a Tempreture serially.
If anybody knows how this type of probe works, and can guide me as to what I need (and why) to make this work I would be forever grateful. As I can incorperate picaxe into the industrial field it would be a big boost, cause this chip is the best thing since the "300 in 1 electronics lab"