Remote Access

Just reading the manual. Is it conceivably possible to write an application (in say VB) that communicates directly with without usng a web browser?...

I guess what I'm getting at is something that would enable similar functionality to a sockets connection where variables can be sent directly from the application over IP. I'm unclear if some sort of web browsing OCX would allow you get the application to go to a location of say index.htm?14=11 to push a value of 11 into a variable (or something).

Any plans to just support sockets connections on an arbitrary port in the future?


Technical Support
Staff member
This is directly possible, and is actually how, for instance, the HTTP Get Wizard in the programming editor software works.

The PNS 'command 99' also provides a way of accessing the variables directly by third party applications.

If you want a http activex for vb try (httpx control)

Sounds good, I was using VB as an example really, I'd probably code it in python so it can run on Windows or Linux / other OS. There's an internet access library that can open a URL:

The main aim is so write an app to control a robot over IP by processing video sent over a wireless video sender from the robot and into a video-in interface on the PC. The vision app then sends commands back to the robot directly over IP (using a Wi-Fi bridge attached to the

My initial thoughts were to just use an IP to RS232 bridge, but using would also allow manual control of the robot through it's web page.
Presumably, by the same merit it would also be possible to write a 3rd party application to reprogram the picaxe attached to If you could make it dynamically generate the program as a text file and FTP it to the server, and then do an http GET to 'press' the programming button on the web interface...

Some sort of scary self modifying code.

Edited by - jamesbruton on 26/04/2006 13:38:08