Project idea


Ive been building an rc tank that uses a picaxe chip to convert the pulses from an rc reciever to pwm for the motors, turn the turret and flash some lights and stuff. Now that ive got this working ive began thinking about upgrading it.

My proposal is to use my psp to controll it via the wlan feature, and have a camera onboard the model that could then be viewed on the psp screen.

Has anyone had experience with w-lan before/ is this compatible with a picaxe after usng another module. Can anyone suggest a cheepish easy to use camera/ had experience with using cameras with picaxe or possibly connecting strait to a w-lan module. Finally can anybody put me onto a site where i can learn how to write psp howbrew applications

I realise this is an ambitious project, and im mostly just looking for feedback and possible hardware solutions at this point. Also iver had no experience writing code for anything other than picaxe, so if somone knows a site that starts with the basics that would be fantastic.
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Senior Member
Greetings- psp assumed Sony's PSP? Great work on the RC! You may just have some mileage with the new 64 MHz X2 PICAXEs, but traditionally the classic 4-16MHz offerings have been much too slow for real time video handling itself. Try Googling, otherwise sorry!


Project idea - video

Concur with manuka that a PICAXE is most likely far too slow.

A PIC chip could be a possibility - a PIC running Machine code will be extremely fast compared to the PICAXE.
PICAXE = easy to program in BASIC but slow. PIC/Machine code = more complex to program but far faster.

Get a copy of the April 2009 issue of Everyday Pratical Electronics.
In the PIC N’ MIX (page 60 on) there is an article about "Video from a PIC"
Its only the first part of a series . . .


Senior Member

No idea how you'd get video to a PSP but I've been wanting some of these Airwave ISM Band 2.4GHz Audio/Video Modules for a while now, states 30m indoors / 100m outdoors. Its the middle man and obviouly you still need a camera/display. Check out this toy though, it has a heads up display, i want one :)

Would hacking one of these be easier? Reading through the linked page it seems adding a better screen should be possible (old/broken, ideally free in-car-DVD players would be just the ticket.

Maybe using the PSP will restrict you in achieving your goals and ultimately take longer to complete?