Problem downloading to 18X


New Member

This is the first Picaxe I have tried to program and I am having problems when I try to download to the chip.
The progress bar comes up and then I get an error that says "Serial Port Error - code 0x9 'subscript out of range'"

Can any one help? I have tried with two different computers so I know it isn't the com port?



Senior Member
Make sure you have the lastest version of the Programming Editor - download the latest version from the website and then do a fresh install. What OS are you running - some applciations in WinXP have troubles accessing the serial port, although I have not come across this problem with Programmiing Editor before.

<b><i>ylp88 </b> </i>


New Member
I have a similar problem.
Win XP Home. Unable to gain communications with an 18x on a CHI035 board.
When I put a volt meter on the 1/8&quot; plug, the tip is 12 vdc positive with the center section. 0 vdc tip to the other end.
Do I have my plug wired wrong?


New Member
Disregard my post on the dumb question regarding voltage at the download cable.
I had read the drawing backwards for the db9. Hooked it up mirror image.