Possible bug in serrxd?


hi, ive just been playing around with a new 28x1 and have found a possible bug in the code. if i use serrxd with a qualifier, it works fine putting the recieved ascii value into the variable, eg
serrxd ("a"), b1, b2
sertxd #b1, #b2
got main

and it will output the values back to the ediitors terminal,but if i try putting the sent character as the actual value of the variable using a # before the variable, eg
serrxd ("a"), #b1, #b2
sertxd #b1, #b2
got main

i find that i have to send the qualifier again after sending the two variables before it will move on to the rest of the code. i can send the two variables, then send anything else and it still wont work, so instead of sending "a" "23" "45" i have to send "a" "23" "45" "a" before the picaxe will send the two numbers back using sertxd. can anyone ese confirm this?
Sounds like correct behaviour - remember you have to send another non-numeric character after the final "5" to tell the chip that the # number reception is complete. In your case the second "a" is doing this?

You should actually be sending non-numeric between each number e.g.
"a" "23" "x" "45" "x"
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using the terminal i was sending the data as "a 23 45", so the spaces must have been sent as the non-numeric, but i didnt know that you had to send one. i did try just sedning any old number after the last bit of data, but it would only work if i sent an "a" character, and i would only need to do this if i used #b1, #b2 instead of b1, b2, which is what puzzled me. ill have another play around later on to see if it was just me causing it. thanks!