Picaxe14 chip

twisted wire

Active member
I see that this chip has two pins that support PWM. Can I use one to read pulses from an RC receiver and the other to emit modified pulses to a servo, or will the internal timer be wholly occupied with the PWM in?
If anyone replies and includes code, please bear in mind that I only use 'Basic'
Thanks in anticipation :-)
The PWM pins on a 14M2 are outputs only. There are commands e.g pulsin that read pulses into the 14M2. There are also specific commands, and servopos to control standard servos.

As for BASIC, you and me both!
Thanks, cpedw!
Greatly appreciated (y)
You've just saved me a lot of time trying to work out why that chip wouldn't recognize a PWM input!! D'oH!
I should read the manuals more....🤪 As is often said "the clue is in the words"