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Project Outline
This project is a "table-driven" picaxe webserver program running on a 20M2. It reads 17 inputs representing water level switches, salinity monitors, water flow sensors, and temperature monitor, and controls 5 outputs representing pumps. It produces a web page which shows the input and output status and some history, and provides some elements of control.
History and Motivation
When I got my HLK-RM04 and TLG10UA03 wifi serial devices, it made me think that you could build a fairly complex wireless web page controller with a picaxe. Not long after I had this thought, user jsmanson posted his problem--two wells, 5 pumps, a reverse osmosis salinity filter, and many sensors: This seems perfect to me as a model. I started it on a 14M2 but migrated to a 20M2.
Here's a sample page from the finished project.
My main purpose was to make a template for doing web pages on the picaxe, but the actual details of the water system took over to a degree. I’ll start with the choice of hardware, continue with the plan for data to be served by any web page, and then move on to the design of the water monitor system, which includes hardware simulation of all the sensors and pump control outputs.
Choice of PICAXE chip and Auxillaries
The trade-offs for choice of picaxe were basically between the 14M2, 18M2, and 20M2 chips with 512 bytes of RAM, and the X2 series with higher speed, more named registers, more I/O, and hardware background receive. I ultimately went with more RAM, with additional I/O, and so chose a 20M2 with an MCP23017 I2C 16-bit I/O extender.
I made extensive use of the RAM. The scratchpad on the X2s could have been used, but with no peek/poke and only @ptr for access, it would have been more awkward.
The rest of the hardware of the basic system consisted of a module which contained a DS3231 high-accuracy Real Time Clock and a AT24LC32 4 kilobyte eeprom, and a wifi-to-serial module, the TLG10UA03.
The MCP23017 handled the 8 float switch inputs and the 5 pump outputs.
In order to do hardware simulation, I included two 08M2s for pulse generation and counting for water flow measurement and a 14M2 to do simulation of the output of salinity sensors.
This project is a "table-driven" picaxe webserver program running on a 20M2. It reads 17 inputs representing water level switches, salinity monitors, water flow sensors, and temperature monitor, and controls 5 outputs representing pumps. It produces a web page which shows the input and output status and some history, and provides some elements of control.
History and Motivation
When I got my HLK-RM04 and TLG10UA03 wifi serial devices, it made me think that you could build a fairly complex wireless web page controller with a picaxe. Not long after I had this thought, user jsmanson posted his problem--two wells, 5 pumps, a reverse osmosis salinity filter, and many sensors: This seems perfect to me as a model. I started it on a 14M2 but migrated to a 20M2.
Here's a sample page from the finished project.
My main purpose was to make a template for doing web pages on the picaxe, but the actual details of the water system took over to a degree. I’ll start with the choice of hardware, continue with the plan for data to be served by any web page, and then move on to the design of the water monitor system, which includes hardware simulation of all the sensors and pump control outputs.
Choice of PICAXE chip and Auxillaries
The trade-offs for choice of picaxe were basically between the 14M2, 18M2, and 20M2 chips with 512 bytes of RAM, and the X2 series with higher speed, more named registers, more I/O, and hardware background receive. I ultimately went with more RAM, with additional I/O, and so chose a 20M2 with an MCP23017 I2C 16-bit I/O extender.
I made extensive use of the RAM. The scratchpad on the X2s could have been used, but with no peek/poke and only @ptr for access, it would have been more awkward.
The rest of the hardware of the basic system consisted of a module which contained a DS3231 high-accuracy Real Time Clock and a AT24LC32 4 kilobyte eeprom, and a wifi-to-serial module, the TLG10UA03.
The MCP23017 handled the 8 float switch inputs and the 5 pump outputs.
In order to do hardware simulation, I included two 08M2s for pulse generation and counting for water flow measurement and a 14M2 to do simulation of the output of salinity sensors.
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