PICAXE to SABERTOOTH 2 x 32A Has anyone used them?

D n T

Senior Member
I've got hold of a sabertooth 2x32A dual H bridge.
I want to use it on a remotely controlled robot, I have built and tested the wireless comms, so I'm not using an RC model remote control system.
It can be controlled using servo inputs so the servo/ servopos command will work but I would like to be able to use serial.

On page 24 of the Sabertooth manual, see the link below it shows the use of the following after each command- \r\n
The manual talks about it being the enter command.
I would like to see a section of code that someone has used with a PICAXE interfacing with a Sabertooth because I don't want to have to get another Sabertooth or PICAXE chip if I screw it up.
There are Arduino examples but I'm not familiar enough with the Arduino code to 100% not screw it up
Another issue I can see arising is the effect of servo jitter on the sabertooth, if anyone has use a Sabertooth 2 x 32A with a PICAXE in serial, legacy serial or RC servo mode, can I have a look at you code to drive it.

manual- https://www.dimensionengineering.com/datasheets/Sabertooth2x32.pdf

Any assistance is appreciated


Senior Member
Having serial control does eliminate the issue of servo jitter, and in this case it should be very easy to do. The \r\n is cr,lf in the Picaxe world.

Should be this easy to get the motor going:

serout b.7,n9600,("M1:2047",cr,lf)
And if n9600 doesn't work try t9600.

Placing a variable instead of a set number:
serout b.7,n9600,("M1:",#w0,cr,lf)