PICAXE Programming via Bluetooth


New Member
Sorry in advance for my english. I'm new on this forum and also with picaxe programming. This is my first post.
I have performed several upgrade tests via Blue-Tooth with a 08m2. The solution is not clear. I have written a document. I can share it if someone is still interested.
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Sorry in advance for my english. I'm new on this forum and also with picaxe programming. This is my first post.
I have performed several upgrade tests via Blue-Tooth with a 08m2. The solution is not clean. I have written a document. I can share it if someone is still interested.
Welcome to The PICAXE forum.

If you have information on how to successfully use Bluetooth for PICAXE programming or even general communications,
I suggest that you Either attach to this thread or start a new thread in the Finished Projctw area with your documentation so that others wishing to use Bluetooth comms can finding your information at a future date.


New Member
Thanks for your suggestion.
The document gives the solution I used to successfully upgrade a picaxe program via Bluetooth. I will try to attach it after reading the howto as I didn't find the attach icone in the quick response template.


To add an attachment one method is:
1. After starting a response - click the "Go Advanced" button at bottom right of the post edit screen
2. Then click on the "Manage Attachments" button further down in the Advanced edit screen.
3. In the new screen there is an "Add Files" button at the top right corner.
4. Browse for your document and then upload.


New Member
upgrade via Bluetooth document

Sorry for the delay.
I've been blocked by Windows10 that has forced a download of big updates that has taken several hours. There is no way to stop the download and my Internet connection bandwith is less than 2 Mb/s. I've splitted the document in 3 parts because it's too big to be uploaded and the number of attachements per post is limited to two.
Here are the two first parts of the document.


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New Member
upgrade via Bluetooth document

Added last part
I have also made a short guide (View attachment 08m2_prog_via_BT_ED04 .zip) If you want to quickly try the programming via Bluetooth. In case of issues, you may use the split document as there is more information.
Here is an overview of the programming via Bluetooth procedure:
- Enable multiple connections to the Bluetooth COM port
- Connect serial Terminal to BT COM port
- In Picaxe Editor, select BT COM port and execute the download command.


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Senior Member
Perhaps this Blue Tooth program downloading solution should be moved to its own thread, as I'm sure that there will be extensive discussion on it.

Well done for persisting with your solution to make it work! I have to admit I don't fully understand every detail but I do understand the principles.

One point where you express concerns about potential damage to the PICAXE's bootstrap program (section 12 in part 3 document). Your method should not corrupt the bootstrap because downloaded PICAXE code is not executed but is interpreted.


New Member
Thanks for your comments and suggestion
You are right about the Picaxe's bootstrap. This is only the picaxe program that may be corrupted in case of transmit errors during the upload.
I will fix this in edition 02. I have also some english statements to correct.
The title of this threat is generic however the original question was related to the SW upgrade via Bluetooth. Will the new thread being duplicated with this one or should the old "Program Via Bluetooth?" thread be re-opened?
I'm not fully aware of the rules. I will wait for the recommendation of a moderator before creating a new thread.
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New Member
No news fom Moderator so I will follow inglewoodpete's suggestion. I will try to create my first thread.
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