Picaxe motor driver boards


Picaxe. Drive 4 motors forward and reverse.
Is it possible to configure Picaxe motor driver boards to drive two L2939 motor driver chips.
I use picaxe with my Meccano hobby,and have the need to drive 4 motors forward and reverse.(again)
I have in the past made my own picaxe boards with 2 motor drivers, (3 boards up to now) but it's a bit of a pain.
I have put PWM into subroutines, so I can have Soft Start and Soft Stop on all 4 motors, each sub is dedicated to each motors mechanical needs, I really don't want to change away from picaxe as all my models driven by picaxe.
If the answers no, it looks as if I'll make my fourth 2 motor driver chip board. Thanks for reading this Brian