PICAXE Forum Maintenance/Upgrade

It seems the new forum software doesn't have tables...

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They were good for posting pinouts, amongst other things.
I would have expected a modern forum package to include user-changeable colour preferences for things like URLs and links.

These are probably in 'user/preferences/settings', but the 'settings' option seems to be disabled.

Or is it me just can't press the right buttons ?



I always found the colour difference of the URLs in the "old" forum too subtle, so I always added an underline to the URL name/text. But it was rather tedious, so would be nice if the forum software did something similar (or used a highly contrasting colour) automatically. ;)

Cheers, Alan.
It seems that "tables" have become a bad word in HTML coding, even down to BBCODE! I spent a lot of time trying to make things work with tables in web sites; mostly getting crap to wrap around images! When they worked, it was a neat presentation method.

The LIST may be the only alternative? (e.g. [ICODE]LIST[/ICODE])

[LIST] - Lists

Displays a bulleted or numbered list.

Not what you're looking for, but an example: THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST[LIST=1][*]Item[*]Item[/LIST]

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It seems the new forum software doesn't have tables...

Item 1Item 2

They were good for posting pinouts, amongst other things.
While I'm on a roll, I want to IGNORE some forums here. For instance, I have absolutely no reason to abuse the French language by trying to read or write or speak it! (Yes, it is VERY funny to listen to me talk. :D )

I would rather not be reminded of my shortcomings in that area. :D

How can I IGNORE, UNwatch or etc. a particular forum.

Yes, I discovered that after my post. But IMHO the issue, particularly with hyperlinks, is that you need to know that they are there before you hover over them. ;)

Cheers, Alan.
I've been uploading and changing my avatar. I was sizing them to slightly over 400x400 pixels.

The "edit avatar" section didn't like my PNG format. It seemed to cut off the bottom.

Then I uploaded the JPG format which seemed to solve that ... until I moved the image within the avatar space. It didn't like that and quit showing the final image. As long as I didn't move it, all was well.

So, I tried the PNG format again, but this time moved it in the avatar space. It now showed that image fine, and that's the one I ended up with.


Curiously, it didn't resize the image to fit the avatar space. Maybe I should have made it much larger for the resize to work.
My 1200x800 jpg avatar image was truncated on the left. I squished it to 800x800 (not preserving proportion), and it all showed up.
While I'm on a roll, I want to IGNORE some forums here. For instance, I have absolutely no reason to abuse the French language by trying to read or write or speak it! (Yes, it is VERY funny to listen to me talk. :D )

I would rather not be reminded of my shortcomings in that area. :D

How can I IGNORE, UNwatch or etc. a particular forum.

Kind of a bump because I’m still interested in disabling certain areas of the forum where I have no interest. :D
XenForo is a 'bought in' product, if a certain functionality is not available in the default product then it is not something we can add.
How can I delete a reply from the reply edit window that I have chosen not to send? To clarify the question, suppose you type a reply to a thread and in your final review before posting either realize you have misunderstood the issue, or decided you don't want to stick your finger into that particular can of worms. There doesn't appear to be any way to clear the typed text out of the edit window.
Do you mean this window ?

Just press Ctrl-A, then 'Delete'.
Logical, but it keeps coming back! 3 screen caps below #1 = text typed in window, #2 = text deleted with Ctrl-A then 'Delete', next leave page, view some other threads, visit different website, return to picaxeforum, view original thread again and surprise! #3 = there's my text again.


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Using Chrome browser all the new times say "Later today...xxxx" - when I tried Firefox the dates and times are OK...LaterTodayPX.jpg
Logical, but it keeps coming back!... leave page, view some other threads, visit different website, return to picaxeforum, view original thread again and surprise! #3 = there's my text again.
I have no idea how to make it forget. Perhaps that's intended and the only option is to ignore it ?

I will see if I can find any info on making it forget but, after initially finding it annoying, I now think it's more useful than it first appears.

It is only there when one has started a reply but not sent it. Will disappear when that or something which overwrites it is sent.

Sometimes, when I am creating a reply, I need to check what was said on an earlier page or see what the exact wording was in a link referenced. If I go and do that without thinking I can lose everything I spent ages typing.

The worst one I find is getting halfway through writing a reply, needing to follow some web link for information or some other task. If that doesn't open in a new tab or browser instance that reply can be lost.
Using Chrome browser all the new times say "Later today...xxxx" - when I tried Firefox the dates and times are OK...
Very bizarre. It is not clear if that is an issue with the forum software or a problem with Chrome, the browser itself, some plug-in, or something else.

If pages determine time offsets in the browser, on the client PC; to have "later" messages would suggest it is seeing a message time later than however the local time is determined, reporting it as an offset into the future.
Sometimes, when I am creating a reply, I need to check what was said on an earlier page or see what the exact wording was in a link referenced. If I go and do that without thinking I can lose everything I spent ages typing.

The worst one I find is getting halfway through writing a reply, needing to follow some web link for information or some other task. If that doesn't open in a new tab or browser instance that reply can be lost.

Good point!
The "Later today ..." stuff is gone [see post #64] - I did file a note with Chrome Bugs site... don't know if that did it - before that the Later Today notation happened 5 pages into the forum... the wonders of programming!