PICAXE Buggy Kit - Interesting site


More sites that may interest newbies to electronics

Here is another website with basic introduction to general electronics and the PICAXE microcontrollers that could be of interest to those new to the PICAXE chips and electronics in general. Includes some animation and considering some of the members to this forum are not aware of the need for things like pull up/down resistors, etc, this basic level information should be useful.
Some sections on general electronics components are as new as 2008. The PICAXE section was created in 2005/6 and primarily covers the 08 pin and 18 pin chips (but not the very latest in these sizes).

First link to PICAXE pages and second link to general electronics pages:




Senior Member

You're right. Very dangerous indeed.:D
I mean seriously, did you see the size of those components relative to the guy's head!!:eek: