Picaxe 28x2 Autopilot for Snoopy's Trans-Atlantic Robot Boat


Here is version 2 of my example layout.

Moved the AXE200/201 module one row left so that there are now 3 holes on the right of of the module and 2 holes on the left.
Added resistors mounted vertically in the first 2 holes next to pins B.1 (Servo out), B.2 (TTS out) and B.3 (GPS in) of the AXE200/201 module.
Cut the traces between the resistor pins on the back side of the board.

If you plan to use any other modules then I'll leave it to you to add a resistor to those pins, if required.

Thanks Flenser. Let's hope my photo just taken will appear OK ... sam_6056.jpg - looks OK here - but reveals the problem - my box of bits hold stuff that I ordered that LOOKS like those boards shown in your photos - BUT they are not the same. e.g. the white one I am holding allows the Picaxe 28X2 to drop in place - BUT it seems just to be a thick block of plastic, with sticky covering at the back - no sign of copper tracks. BUT that other product, also ordered in quantity, and in my "box of bits" seems closer to what is needed - I see it has www.gik-fun.com printed on it. Luckily I have all these things in quantity here, allowing me to make mistakes - such as trying to tear off that top of the white board ? :-) My first choice would be simple veroboard, like the scraps given to me by Roy, and used in the last and earlier roboit boats. I must admit that my curiosity was sparked by how many sources seem to have adopted the same basic layout of prototyping boasrds. Remember that this is nNOT a prototype, or even a "production prototype", BUT, after good testing, it should be OK when completely encapsulated in Fastglass resin :-)

So, after all those words, can you give me a link to the exact product you used ? ebay.co.uk OK for me, but even better if Amazon
- the wife June can pay for it ;-) I repeat my earlier questions for everyone: estimate of how many hours to assemble the complete assembly - ideally including not only a servo, but a GPS to test it with ? My guess, with all the right bits, is no more than a couple of hours, including soldering, loading software ( links are public ), plugging bits together, and a quick tea-tray test - but I'm an optimist :-)

Robin on www.gpss.co.uk with Snoopy on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm
such as trying to tear off that top of the white board

Do not bother tearing the top of the plastic white board you have. It is a solderless breadboard. It has metal spring clips inside to grip any pins you poke through the holes. It does not have any PCB inside.
If you tear the top of the white board you have it will not achieve what you want. All that will do is expose the metal clips.
I've you'd like to see the inside checkout this youtube video

If the PCB's you have are marked with www.gik-fun.com then it sounds like they are are the ones in this Amazon UK link https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gikfun-Sol...-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 that steliosm put in his post #21.
They have almost exactly the same layout as the "Perma-Proto Half-sized Breadboard PCB" I show in the layout diagrams I have posted and they will do just as well.
The only difference is that the holes in the two power rails on either side don't exactly line up with the rows in the middle but that won't matter much when you solder in the 3 wires for each Futaba connector.

If you would like to use the same "Perma-Proto Half-sized Breadboard PCB" I show in my layout diagram then you can get them at this Amazon UK link https://www.amazon.co.uk/Adafruit-P...roto+half-sized+breadboard+pcb,aps,350&sr=8-1

The layout is simple so if you would like to use veroboard then I can prepare a veroboard version. It's 1am here so I'll try and post it tomorrow evening local time.
Thanks Flenser. I'll paste in my excuse for this late reply - birthday boy video - lots of overlapping subjects.

I must confess that neiltechspec made me chuckle - until I followed the link - have ordered 4 off at 16 GBP :-)

No harm in my gathering a lot of stuff here - I have enough local retired ( and very experienced ) engineers here, who may choose to "do it my way". Dick and Peter certainly have with Snoopy's friend Woodstock. But I'm a lazy so-and-so, and will stick with what has been tested ( to death ).
If someone wants to build the same stuff - that will be great - may save me time - but they may enjoy it too :-)

I'll end this posting with the link to the video, now up, with automatic subtitles and translation into any language.
It liked my translation of that tea shirt - Italian for: "Sorry but I am English and very boring" - ready for the Sicily holiday :)
Here's the video ...

is a 28 minute rough cut video, including 8 minutes at the end which few will wish to play: an extract from Robin's May 2023 Press Release video, regarding the DVLA. But some of Robin's friends, in England and overseas, may enjoy seeing how Robin spent his birthday on Thursday 25th May, then the next two days, until Saturday 27th May, when they did a lot :-) Yes, there are lots of glimpses of Robin's GPS trackers, including that used in Snoopy's Trans-Atlantic Robot boat. They expect to take several on their holiday in Sicily, from 1st to 15th June - so anyone can track where they go, and where they have been. It's been public on Robin's "Contact" page for many years :-) Robin's best birthday present was from his sister Sally, but you can see the video for that - try not to fall off to sleep, or off your chairs laughing :-) It will be interesting to see how the Youtube automatic subtitles with translation into any language handle it. Well Done Youtube Guys - wherever * whoever you are :-)

That's the Youtube description above. Lots of topics overlap, including discussion on the Microtransat (Robot Boat) and Picaxe (Computer for Autopilot) Forums, and direct email. e.g. testing of trackers. June and I have decided to take a (tidied up) SpotT2 tracker to Sicily, so anyone can track us off the link on my "Contact" page www.gpss.co.uk/contact.htm -> "SpotT2" on https://maps.findmespot.com/s/4F48/QR#history/assets Simple to turn it off when onboard the aircraft. It should work regardless of GSM coverage: a bit like our testing of a Thuraya satellite phone in Italy: www.gpss.co.uk/thuraya.htm 22 years ago ! Some things aren't new ;-)

www.gpss.co.uk with Snoopy on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm and "Press" page on www.gpss.co.uk/press.htm :-)
I hope you didn't take offence at my comment, certainly non was intended.
Perhaps I should have made it clearer that it was a link.

not at all Neil - why would I have said this below ? :)
I must confess that neiltechspec made me chuckle - until I followed the link - have ordered 4 off at 16 GBP :-)
Looks nice and simple Flenser. Even if you only have a 5v Radio Control battery and a servo, it should waggle the servo on startup.
Version "Romeo" of my Picaxe 28x2 Autopilot from an earlier posting is ...
>I think the latest version of my Picaxe Autopilot is version "Romeo" on www.gpss.co.uk/ap28x2r.bas and the first few lines are these comments ..
... that would give me a lot of confidence. If you hang some sort of terminal, or text to speech onto it, it will tell you a lot more.
The GPS input is the final test - if it runs a few hours without blowing up - you must have cracked it :-)
www.gpss.co.uk and Snoopy on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm

You may have misunderstood. I have only been providing the layouts to help you with your project. You can use them, or not, at your own risk and that is as far as my assistance goes.
I have no intention to build one of your autopilot boards. It is of no interest to me.
Sorry Flenser. Stupid me had confused you with two other guys, both of whom seemed to be asking if I were looking for someone to build the boards, and one has recently offered to do just that, without any money changing hands :-) But all you guys have been very useful, as an efficient way of my seeing if there were a better way of doing what I've done for the past 10+ years. As anyone with experience knows, digital products can change, to become incompatible with what went before. I have every confidence that will not be the case for the 28X2 modules I have. BUT - of course, the best advice comes from those who are actually doing the work - rather than looking at what they see on a web site ;-) Thanks for those layouts - they look good, and should result in a quicker and better documented build for whoever makes the autopilotss - not just me ;-)

As it happens, I'm working on the Spot Trace trackers, the links for which, to track us, are public on my "Contact" and "Snoopy" pages.
That's a case where others reading the Spot online documentation may see something I do not. e.g. how to change the icon ?
They are now labelled "Snoopy's SpotT" and "Robin's SpotT2". BUT, I'm confident nobody on this forum is interested in use of SPOT for tracking opbjects such as trans-Atlantic boats - or even bottles. Why ? Great product but VERY expensive at typically 100 GBP for the device, then - more importantly - 150 GBP / year for the tracking service. BUT it works, and I've been using it for all Snoopy's boats since before 2012 - on BBC TV :)

Robin at 1807 BST UK ( 1707z UT GPS Time on Monday 29th May 2023 )
www.gpss.co.uk "Snoopy" on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm and "Contact" on www.gpss.co.uk/contact.htm
While I'm about it: "AsOnTV" on www.gpss.co.uk/asontv.htm :-)

The women are off to tennis, at the Royal Ascot Tennis Club, if anyone wants to check those tracker links. e.g. bugs ? :-)
This was posted to the Microtransat forum ( https://www.microtransat.org/?lang=en ) just now, mentioning this Picaxe forum ...

Thanks Francois. This image in philsb2.gif may be easier than a KML file for some.

Phil's boat's track seems to be consistent with a boat without steering, but let's hope I am wrong.
My earlier images show my guesstimate of the track until Sunday, for a drifter or a bottle.
I'm sure you all know of that excellent work by Educational Passages in USA - just drifters.

I'll use this opportunity to say something nice about Francois for once - instead of jokes about the French. I have already said how some Frenchmen were very important to me: not least George Gourier. Before that, it was guys like Henry at Dasault Electronique & Thompson-CSF.

But I digress: Francois raised the subject of source forge - yes - excellent - I got a QR encoder with Colin's help last year. Better than the one used for Snoopy's boat that worked well at Rottingdea.

BUT, the most important thing that I have to say here is that perhaps, years ago, when I checked out who this guy Francis R was, I mistakenly thought he was younger than he was.
There are some words of wisdom in that posting, and thoughts that are important to me now.
e.g. how to get model sailing boat guys interested in robot sailing boats ?

I suggest by letting them use complete subsystems, such as a GPS Autopilot,
that they can simply plug into their existing radio control boat - to get started on ponds.
They do not need to get into any sort of programming, such as Picaxe, Arduino, or Micromite.
They simply plug Lat/Lons from google maps into code that is already there.

ONE problem for anyone east of Greenwich - my old micromite software, unchanged for 10+ years, does only work West of the Greenwich meridian. Some of you may wish to join the Picaxe forum
https://picaxeforum.co.uk/ - the Active Forum. BUT not if you are already familiar with another platform.

Finally: great if Francois ( and other members ?) will disclose a bit about themselves.
I promise not to call it "Self-Promotion" - but rather "Openess" ;-)
e.g. I was born in 1947 and my career and hobbies are an "Open Book" on www.gpss.co.uk

Robin - and Snoopy on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm ( link to Microtransat is at top )

This from google translate ...
Merci François. Cette image dans philsb2.gif peut être plus simple qu'un fichier KML pour certains. etc, etc.
Hi Guys. Just to give a reminder to anyone interested in building and testing one of those Picaxe 28X2 based autopilots.

Topics overlap, and we are not long home after our 2 week holiday in Sicily: see www.gpss.co.uk/holiday.htm
which included taking Snoopy's Satcomms tracker SPOTT2 with us, and a new Gotop SOS one: both public on
my "Contact" page www.gpss.co.uk/contact.htm - yes, you can hid if you (think) you see us coming ;-)

Things are still busy, with many things, but perhaps, in the near future, we'll get a chance to meet up somewhere ?
Near your place or ours maybe ? :)

Take Care
www.gpss.co.uk and Snoopy on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm <- what this Picaxe autopilot is for - even if it will go into other things - and has ;-)
e.g. "Hobby" page on www.gpss.co.uk/tam.htm - how about the radio controlled puppy dog that wees ? :)
Hi Guys. I will be pleased to hear if anyone manages to download this version "Romeo" of Snoopy's Picaxe 28X2 based autopilot, load it into a 28X2 and maybe get as far as watching it waggle a servo on startup :) I should have published this years ago, but have only just got around to updating the four hostings of my web site, with BAS source code, for various versions of the Picaxe and Micromite based autopilots.

It's well tucked away, near the end of Snoopy's "Design" page www.gpss.co.uk/rbdesign.htm but I'll try and pasted in the relevant extract below.

Thanks in advance for any help.
www.gpss.co.uk and Snoopy on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm

Extract from near end of "Design" page www.gpss.co.uk/rbdesign.htm
g. June 2023 Footnote: Release of source code for Picaxe 28X2 based Autopilot. ...

This is for those, such as on the
Active Picaxe Forum , helping Robin build replacement Picaxe 28X2 autopilots, able to exploit the old, but thoroughly tested, autopilots used in Snoopy's Robot Boats for years.
Robin believes the latest version of the Picaxe 28X2 based autopilot software, used in Snoopy's Robot boats since December 2017, was version "Romeo", and the Picaxe 28X2 source code is here - in ap28x2r.bas is here .
When downloaded, and opened with a simple text editor, like Notepad, the first few lines should be those below ...
'AP28X2R.BAS 01Dec17 "Romeo" of Snoopy's Picaxe 28X2 Autopilot Software. (c) Robin Lovelock www.GPSS.co.uk
'AP28X2R.BAS 06Dec17 "Romeo" rudder gearing constant MAXDERR = 30 to 60 after today's test
'AP28X2R.BAS 01Dec17 "Romeo" Only change is rudder gearing constant MAXDERR = 120 to 30
'based on
'AP28X2Q.BAS 31Jul17 "Quebec" Correct cross trackj error by comparing W24 CBWP Course Between Way Points
'AP28X2P.BAS 16Jul17 "Papa" remove spoken range bug when ~ 100m E-W heard on 12th July 17.
etc, etc ...
Last edited:
Hi Guys. The following posted earlier today has not appeared. Maybe due to links to source code ??? ....

Hi Guys. I will be pleased to hear if anyone manages to download this version "Romeo" of Snoopy's Picaxe 28X2 based autopilot, load it into a 28X2 and maybe get as far as watching it waggle a servo on startup 25837 I should have published this years ago, but have only just got around to updating the four hostings of my web site, with BAS source code, for various versions of the Picaxe and Micromite based autopilots.It's well tucked away, near the end of Snoopy's "Design" page www.gpss.co.uk/rbdesign.htm but I'll try and pasted in the relevant extract below.

Thanks in advance for any help.
www.gpss.co.uk and Snoopy on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm

Extract from near end of "Design" page www.gpss.co.uk/rbdesign.htm
g. June 2023 Footnote: Release of source code for Picaxe 28X2 based Autopilot. ...

This is for those, such as on the Active Picaxe Forum , helping Robin build replacement Picaxe 28X2 autopilots, able to exploit the old, but thoroughly tested, autopilots used in Snoopy's Robot Boats for years.
Robin believes the latest version of the Picaxe 28X2 based autopilot software, used in Snoopy's Robot boats since December 2017, was version "Romeo", and the Picaxe 28X2 source code is here - in ap28x2r.bas is here .:


When downloaded, and opened with a simple text editor, like Notepad, the first few lines should be those below ...
'AP28X2R.BAS 01Dec17 "Romeo" of Snoopy's Picaxe 28X2 Autopilot Software. (c) Robin Lovelock www.GPSS.co.uk
'AP28X2R.BAS 06Dec17 "Romeo" rudder gearing constant MAXDERR = 30 to 60 after today's test
'AP28X2R.BAS 01Dec17 "Romeo" Only change is rudder gearing constant MAXDERR = 120 to 30
'based on
'AP28X2Q.BAS 31Jul17 "Quebec" Correct cross trackj error by comparing W24 CBWP Course Between Way Points
'AP28X2P.BAS 16Jul17 "Papa" remove spoken range bug when ~ 100m E-W heard on 12th July 17.
etc, etc ...
This just posted to two other forums - but I think this one is the most useful :)
Hi Guys. I've just updated "Blog10" on www.gpss.co.uk/rbblog10.htm and the video MAY work :)

I'm off now to walk from our place in Sunninghill, to watch the Royal procession to Ascot Race Course.
Track me if you wish from my "Contact" page ;-)
June took the car earlier, and is parked at the church - Snoopy's SpotT tracker on "Snoopy" page ;-)

www.gpss.co.uk and Snoopy on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm

extract from end of "Blog10" ...
Testing old Snoopy Robot Boat Autopilot
Picaxe 28X2 Module
Thursday 22nd June 2023: Minor breakthrough: Robin finds a working Picaxe 28X2 Autopilot, and gives it a "Tea Tray Test" between his front door and the lampost. NO - he does not intend to put this into Snoopy's boat - it is too valuable for that. It can act as a "Reference System" for comparison with any we, or others, build, based upon whatever components we are able to find and buy. Robin plans to get at least a second working, before he risks downloading the very latest software into this one. Latest Software ? That's version "Romeo" - a few months after this, loaded with version "PaPa" - 21st July 2017 at 5:40pm - or at least, that's what it speaks on startup :)
The following extract is near the end of Snoopy's Robot Boat "Design" page ... QUOTE: Robin believes the latest version of the Picaxe 28X2 based autopilot software, used in Snoopy's Robot boats since December 2017, was version "Romeo", and the Picaxe 28X2 source code is here - in ap28x2r.bas is here .
When downloaded, and opened with a simple text editor, like Notepad, the first few lines should be those below ...
'AP28X2R.BAS 01Dec17 "Romeo" of Snoopy's Picaxe 28X2 Autopilot Software. (c) Robin Lovelock www.GPSS.co.uk
'AP28X2R.BAS 06Dec17 "Romeo" rudder gearing constant MAXDERR = 30 to 60 after today's test
'AP28X2R.BAS 01Dec17 "Romeo" Only change is rudder gearing constant MAXDERR = 120 to 30
'based on
'AP28X2Q.BAS 31Jul17 "Quebec" Correct cross trackj error by comparing W24 CBWP Course Between Way Points
'AP28X2P.BAS 16Jul17 "Papa" remove spoken range bug when ~ 100m E-W heard on 12th July 17.
etc, etc ...

white strip
More details here in due course :)
Last edited by a moderator:
Hi Guys. I've just updated "Blog10" on www.gpss.co.uk/rbblog10.htm with more progress from today, and wish to thank those, such as on the Picaxe & Microtransat forums for their help - both on and off the forum.

I'll try and paste in the section from the end of "Blog10" here for clarity.
Other interesting "Royal" things happened today - maybe on my Youtube channel later ;-)

www.gpss.co.uk with Snoopy on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm

extract ...

white strip
Testing old Snoopy Robot Boat Autopilot
Picaxe 28X2 Module
Thursday 22nd June 2023: Minor breakthrough: Robin finds a working Picaxe 28X2 Autopilot, and gives it a "Tea Tray Test" between his front door and the lampost. NO - he does not intend to put this into Snoopy's boat - it is too valuable for that. It can act as a "Reference System" for comparison with any we, or others, build, based upon whatever components we are able to find and buy. Robin plans to get at least a second working, before he risks downloading the very latest software into this one. Latest Software ? That's version "Romeo" - a few months after this, loaded with version "PaPa" - 21st July 2017 at 5:40pm - or at least, that's what it speaks on startup :)
The following extract is near the end of Snoopy's Robot Boat "Design" page ... QUOTE: Robin believes the latest version of the Picaxe 28X2 based autopilot software, used in Snoopy's Robot boats since December 2017, was version "Romeo", and the Picaxe 28X2 source code is here - in ap28x2r.bas is here .
When downloaded, and opened with a simple text editor, like Notepad, the first few lines should be those below ...
'AP28X2R.BAS 01Dec17 "Romeo" of Snoopy's Picaxe 28X2 Autopilot Software. (c) Robin Lovelock www.GPSS.co.uk
'AP28X2R.BAS 06Dec17 "Romeo" rudder gearing constant MAXDERR = 30 to 60 after today's test
'AP28X2R.BAS 01Dec17 "Romeo" Only change is rudder gearing constant MAXDERR = 120 to 30
'based on
'AP28X2Q.BAS 31Jul17 "Quebec" Correct cross trackj error by comparing W24 CBWP Course Between Way Points
'AP28X2P.BAS 16Jul17 "Papa" remove spoken range bug when ~ 100m E-W heard on 12th July 17.
etc, etc ...
white strip
Testing old Snoopy Robot Boat Autopilot
Friday 23rd June 2023: This Youtube video, from 31st October 2021, was invaluable to see that the most recent version was "Romeo" and that I need to reverse the rudder geometry. i.e. on startup, the Autopilot does a Left-Centre-Right-Centre movement of the rudder.
This was confirmed, looking at the rusty remains of the boat's electronics: Robin found a Turnigy Servo Reverser, between the Picaxe 28X2 computer board and the rudder servo. Searching on the Net I found that some suppliers had discontinued this product, but I found and ordered TWO from Greensmodels, at 19.45 GBP for fast delivery. I also found and ordered a cheaper product from China: FIVE at 10.14 GBP for delivery by 4th July 2023. This should be enough spares for several years of Snoopy's Robot Boats :)
Of course, we could change the steering geometry, to remove the need for a servo reverser - another component that might fail. But, on this Snoopy Sloop 10, Robin will stick to the same, proven, design ;-)
white strip
More details here in due course :)
Hi Guys. I've just updated "Blog10" on www.gpss.co.uk/rbblog10.htm with more progress from today, and wish to thank those, such as on the Picaxe & Microtransat forums for their help - both on and off the forum.

I'll try and paste in the section from the end of "Blog10" here for clarity.
Those interesting "Royal" things that happened - yes, "Bruce & Robin on Duty" video :)
Lots of other more important things happening, that some will know about.

www.gpss.co.uk with Snoopy on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm

extract ...

Old Snoopy Robot Boat Autopilot
Wednesday 28th June 2023: Other more important things have delayed work on Snoopy's boat, but good progress made. Servo reversers arrived, and one was soon plugged in, and - of course - worked :) More importantly, today Robin found an old "Maplins" plastic bag, full of needed electronics bits, such as circuit card, diodes, resistors, etc, etc. The old Picaxe 28X2 module, seen in the low left of this photo, will make it so much easier, as a reference, when soldering the module, then pins, resistors, etc - into the right places. THEN we can try loading the Autopilot software into it. But before that, Robin used an old multi-meter to check the current drawn by the total 5v NiMHd battery->GPS->Picaxe 28X2 Module-> Servo reverser->Acoms AS17 Servo. The current drawn seemed a little more than earlier blog notes, and schoolboy arithmetic can be used to make sure our duplicated solar power system is adequate. It obviously depends on what part of the year, such as if in Summer, Autumn, or Winter. Note that if the system runs flat, it should start up again when it gets enough light to recharge batteries. Rough figures of current drawn are as follows: 70mA peaking to 120mA when moving servo. So average of 80mA current drawn ? The old Snoopy Robot Boat Design page speaks of < 40 or 50mA. Most school kids should be able to calculate how many hours and days batteries should last. e.g. 4 x 2,400 mAH batteries = 9,600 mAH capacity divided by 80 mA -> 120 hours / 24 = 5 days ? BUT, with enough average light ( not just sunlight ), it MIGHT not run flat at all. Others can check my references, arithmetic, or might even test the same components themselves ;-)
white strip
More details here in due course :)
Hi Guys. The attached two photos 4boards1.gif and 4boards2.gif show top and below of the 4 picaxe 28x2 boards I now have.
Marked (1),(2),(3) and (4). (1) is the "reference board" that works, but with not quite the latest version of the Autopilot software.

I decided not to update board (1), before building some more (identical?) boards.
There have been MANY diversions, onto more important (and enjoyable) things, but, in past week, I've managed to spend what is probably 4 hours, in making boards 2, 3, and 4.

BUT, I suspect I may not have done something right. I switched on 5v power and the chip got VERY hot !

Silly Robin should have done things one step at a time: see if it gets hot just plugging in power.
BUT, I also had what I thought was the new Picaxe 28X2 - USB software load cable plugged in and connected to the PC ! :-(
The good thing is that I have boards 3 and 4 to look at, even if I've wrecked board 1 :)

I have plenty of spare components, of the sam,e type as those original old autopilots.

Sadly, nobody available to look over my shoulder and correct my mistakes - let alone do the work for me :-)

First step is to load software into the Picaxe 28X2 on the board.
I've not even looked up how to do that, but I expect stuff will fire up on this PC when it is connected it.
After loading the software, the next step will be to plug in a servo, and see if it does the correct "waggle" on startup.

LOTS of other things taking priority, including checking out personal trackers.
e.g. the two Gotop SOS trackers on top right of my "Contact" page www.gpss.co.uk/contact.htm
You may see me here, at home, 22 Armitage Court, or a few hundred yards north, at The Comrades Club in Sunninghill village.
Having a chat and maybe a glass or two - somebody has to do it :)

Take Care
Robin on www.gpss.co.uk and Snoopy on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm


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I've just seen my mistake - see picture in 4boards3.gif attached ! Stupid Robin, looking at the reference board (1), had not seen that tracks had been cut - it looks like he'd used a drill. So - that's the next job on those boards (2), (3) and (4), before applying power again ! Robin WAS using glasses, and DID have a bright lamp - BUT he did not look close enough ! Homer had the right words ... "Doh!! :-)


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Nice one Papaof2 - you're lucky - I'm papa03 - GIRLS :-(

After a trip out doing other things, including visiting a garden open for NGS charity and testing trackers,
I THINK I have done the required work with a little drill, of cutting those tracks on new boards 2,3,4.

The attached piccy shows progress, in firing up the Picaxe editor, still on this "Study" PC.
Also, opening the required autopilot program to load - version "Romeo".

BUT it looks as if the new Picaxe 28X2 modules I bought, need to be loaded with the right firmware ???

The stuff in my old Picaxe folders here, other than my own program, may not be what's needed ?

The only waay I get this far is switching on the power AND pressing that reset button.

Over to you guys for bright ideas - no, I don't want to risk my old working board (1) reference system ;-)

www.gpss.co.uk with Snoopy on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm


    162 KB · Views: 11
Under options select 28X2 mode (not assembler) and then use the Program button to program. If a chip got hot it is almost certainly permanently damaged.
Thanks Technical - good timing - I just had another session, with a LITTLE more progress.

Yes, and the good thing is that I have 3 boards, (2),(3),(4) to risk damaging before the old "Reference" board (1).

Progress ? Yes - I found a blob of solder shorting the 0v and +5v pins on one of the Futaba positions - fixed.
I also downloaded the Picaxe Program Editor onto this other Win7 "Lounge" PC - all looks good, including
opening my latest version of the autopilot program "Romeo" ( also public on www.gpss.co.uk/ap28x2r.bas

I have what I think is the new USB Picaxe program load cable.
Problems so far, on both PC ( "Study" and "lounge" ) is saying not found on COM10.
Spent some time looking on what COM port it might be on, if not COM10.

Let me look at your suggestion now ... "options select 28X2 mode (not assembler) " - yes, pretty sure that selected,
but let me check again ... Picaxe Editor v6 .1.0.0 ... and I attache screen shot picaxee1.gif
"Home" button obviously shows options including program load.

Thanks again "Technical" - or is that "Hippy" from years ago ? ;-)

www.gpss.co.uk and Snoopy on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm


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Thanks Roy, for the 'phone call, saying that a "hard reset" should not lose anything important.
I spent a bit more time, but without progress. e.g. don't see COM ports other than COM1,
where I did before. e.g. the USB port that the cable plugs into.
I obviously need someone with experience, looking over my shoulder, or with a PC that works better :-)
I reckon those guys that implied they would build these boards for a fee were wise not to follow up ;-)
Thanks again
www.gps.co.uk and Snoopy on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm
Great to hear from you again Hippy. This may be off topic, but I am forced to include an old photo from my "Family" page www.gpss.co.uk/family.htm with the text alongside it. Some of us are old enough to remember the 1960s and "Flower Power". Less stuff in a silicon chip then ;-)
www.gpss.co.uk and Snoopy on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm
The picture on the right shows Robin in his preferred clothes for formal business meetings with overseas customers. It was taken in November '98 prior to Robin and June going to a 60's disco, organised by Armitage Court Residents Association in Sunninghill Village Hall.


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Sorry Hippy - I've just seen that for some reason I missed your important:
>Have you fully installed the AXE027 USB Drivers ?
Wife June is shouting "Dinner!" so I'd better obey :-)
Also, other things on, but I'll certainly look into this.
Normally I just plug in a powered up device, and drivers get loaded.
I do recall seeing the Picaxe28X2 as one of the online devices.
But, as I say, I'll look into it more carefully.
Along with any other usful tips such as this.
Hi Guys. I attach screen shot picaxee2.gif which shows a picaxe28x2 on a com port - but not quite right ?
I got this with the module (3) powered up and connect to one of the USB ports.
BUT, when I do this, I don't get the usual PC response like a beep when it detects a device.
So maybe it's information in the Picaxe editor from the (distant?) past ???
Lots of other things on the go, but thought this might help - you guys help me ;-)
www.gpss.co.uk and Snoopy on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm


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Hi Guys. PROGRESS this morning ! I have managed to use the Picaxe Editor to load the latest version "Romeo" of my Snoopy Autopilot Software
( www.gpss.co.uk/ap28x2r.bas ) into the old "Reference System" Picaxe 28X2 board (1). This was done by using my "Study" PC on which it had been done before ( along with other PC ), many years ago.

BUT, the other 3 new boards (2),(3),(4) all give error messages as have been reported before. e.g. COM port. It's the classic problem ( & solution ) in engineering - don't change more than one thing at a time :-| e.g. those freshly built boards, the PC used ( with latest drivers ? ), the new 28X2 modules identical to that old one in board (1) ? etc, etc.

Many of my friends will say - "Don't waste your time on those new spare boards - you have board (1) to go into this year's Trans-Atlantic Robot Boat !".

I must admit that, with the scarce resources and time that I have, it is likely my priority will be adding the GPS to board (1), checking it out with a "tea tray test", then the major work on the boat - replace all those corroded bits by good ones.

BUT, if I don't get suitable help to find and fix remaining faults ( if there are any ) in boards (2),(3),(4) there seems little chance of these, and my huge stock of components, being kept - ideally for other boats, for later years - and maybe even this year - for other guys ;-)

Take Care
www.gpss.co.uk and Snoopy on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm
I have managed to use the Picaxe Editor to load the latest version "Romeo" of my Snoopy Autopilot Software into the old "Reference System" Picaxe 28X2 board (1). This was done by using my "Study" PC on which it had been done before ( along with other PC ), many years ago.

BUT, the other 3 new boards (2),(3),(4) all give error messages as have been reported before. e.g. COM port.

BUT, if I don't get suitable help to find and fix remaining faults ( if there are any ) in boards (2),(3),(4) there seems little chance of these, and my huge stock of components, being kept
Have you tried programming boards (2), (3) and (4) on the "Study PC" ?

It seems to me there's not an issue with those boards, more that you can program (1) on the "Study PC" because it has the AXE027 driver fully installed, but you cannot program (2), (3), (4) on something else because the PC you are using for those doesn't have the AXE027 driver fully installed.
Thanks Hippy & Jack - sorry for delay - it's been busy but good with other things.

I saw Hippy's posting last night, and have some (unsuccessful) work to report.
Will check Jack's link after, in case it changes anyting.

I just tested those spare and new boards (2),(3),(4) but withouty good result on this "Study" PC.
See attached images picaxed1.gif and picaxed2.gif - good news I see the Picaxe on the port
but get that failure message - even if I press the reset button.

IMPORTANT - is it possible my problems may be due to my old reference board (1) that works,
having an older Picaxe28X2 module dating from what must be at least 2017 if not earlier ?

This idea of trying on the "Study" PC was obviously the thing to do.

I have a good few other platforms, and some of them will have been used for this, with success, in the past. e.g. an XP laptop.

Does the Pickaxe editor and software run on Chrombooks, running the Chrome OS ?
I have several of these in the house, and it's the sort of kit we take on holiday.

I'll send this off then check that link from Jack.
But I suspect we will be doing other things today ;-)

Thanks again guys
www.gpss.co.uk and Snoopy on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm


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Thanks Buzby. Since my last posting I did tests on the "Lounge" PC and failed to see past all those words and diagrams
in the well-written documentation to actually install the latest drivers. I also tried downloading software on a Chromebook
but often a link to what I thought was download software, turned out to be documentation on how to do it :-)

I'll repeat my earlier:
IMPORTANT - is it possible my problems may be due to my old reference board (1) that works,
having an older Picaxe28X2 module dating from what must be at least 2017 if not earlier ?

I have every sympathy for the picacxe guys trying to support their stuff in such a chaotic, unstable marketplace.
I look forward to hearing if anyone succeeds in loading my www.gpss.co.uk/ap28x2r.bas into a modern module :-)

www.gpss.co.uk and Snoopy on www.gpss.co.uk/autop.htm
More likely a H/W issue on those 'new boards'.
Editor would tell you if there was an incompatibilty.

I have one of those modules in my bits box, has firmware B.3 which is current.
Loaded it with your S/W & programmed without errors (it was just the bare module).
Should also say I use editor 5.5 not 6.
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I'll repeat my earlier:
IMPORTANT - is it possible my problems may be due to my old reference board (1) that works,
having an older Picaxe28X2 module dating from what must be at least 2017 if not earlier ?
The 28X2 module has two 0V connections but you are only using the one on leg 27. It's possible that this was okay for the older module but might not be suitable for the newer module. Try connecting leg 4 to 0V and then test the download on the "Study PC" as you know this downloaded okay to your reference board (1).

Check the voltage on the legs of the 28X2 module to see if it's what you expect it to be.

With the power off use a meter to check you don't have a short between legs 26 & 27, as this would cause a permanent reset and prevent you from downloading code.