Picaxe 18X


New Member
Hi,i would like to build up a temperature sensor by using Picaxe 18 X. but once i constructed the circuit and download the program to the picaxe, i found that it can not be work.i already check all the hardware and components but nothing is burn or damage,can anyine please help me to find out whether is my circuit connected wrongly or the code is not correct?


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Ex-Staff (retired)
Welcome to the PICAXE forum.

Your circuit looks like it should work ( I didn't check the SHT1x datasheet for pinout etc ), so it may be a problem with your program which I couldn't see in the PDF.


Ex-Staff (retired)
When you say you "found that it can not be work", can you be more specific on what exactly does not work ( and what does ). Having mentioned temperature sensor I imagined it was a problem in that area but it could be something else which does not work.

700+ lines of code is a lot for anyone to wade through and check the correctness of; do you have any smaller test case programs for whatever it is which does not work ?

Is it a case that everything works individually but not when combined into the full program ? Have you tested that everything works individually ?