Picaxe 08M Question


New Member
Hi I'm new to the MC picaxe world and I would like to know if I can run a dual motor system that responds to two sensors on a 08M chip. I'm using an L293D motor controller chip and two small DC motors. I have 2 momentary switches which I'm going to use as sensors. The motors needs to have reversible capability which the L293D provides. My concern is that the 08M doesn't have enough Inputs/Outputs to support my project. I would like to use the 08M because of the spacing requirements on my breadboard. The switches are used as a push button sensors to detect objects. When an object is detected the motors reverse and the robot heads into another direction. Basically the project is the Amoeba project from a Servo magazine from last year. I hope this is understandable. Any help would be appreciated.



Motor Drive with 08M and L293D

Welcome to the PICAXE forum.

A bit more information would be helpful.

How many 08M outputs are available for motor control?

You could use 3 outputs with a 74HC595 to interface with the L293D
- that is no better than a "bigger" PICAXE in terms of real estate
- but may be cheaper than buying a bigger PICAXE

will both motors always run in the same direction or can they run in opposite directions - ie one forward and one in reverse?
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08M + L293D for 2 motors with 3 outputs

Should also be possible to control two motors with just 3 08M outputs with some judicial programming. Have a look at the attached logic table:

Both the same way at same time or one on at a time
BUT not each together in different directions


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