PICAXE-08M and RS485


New Member
Does anyone have any example circuit diagrams on how to connect a PICAXE via RS485. I need to be able to use a PICAXE to detect transmission and also be able to send data. I assume I have to connect this to some sort of RS485 line driver but this is a new area for me so not really sure where to start.

All the PICAXE eneds to do is detect a transmission ( it doesn't need to read the data ). It then needs to send 7 bytes over RS485.


I can't help with doing a circuit for you, but this data sheet shows a nice example.
<A href='http://www.farnell.com/datasheets/74042.pdf' Target=_Blank>External Web Link</a>

Looks a piece of cake.


New Member
RS485 isn't that difficult, but what most dont understand is that it's a lot more than just an electrical connection! There is a protocol complete with timing and commands and addressing that goes along with it.

This doesn't mean much if your just using the electrical system of it to connect two devices, but if your going to exist on a bus with other RS485 devices, it's something you WILL have to take into account, or you either will get nothing, or could even bring the bus to a halt.

--Andy P