Need Hint/Direction For control of 12V via 8M


New Member
I'm using the picaxe 8M to attempt control on/off of a microtransmitter which needs (12-13.8V) to operate through a 8 cell AA battery pack. I realize the 8M has less than 5V output on pin 2 which I've programmed to turn the transmitter on/off. Pin 2 high, wait xx, pin 2 low...etc... but obviously cannot initiate the correct 12V power output to the transmitter.

In a general sense, what's the best way to use the 8M to control a larger voltage in that 12-13.8V range? (insert helpful hint here).

My apologies for my limited electrical background. Just need a helpful hint to muddle through. Looked through the forum but can't find anything significant for my problem. A link or two would work too




Senior Member
depending on duty cycle I would look at driving a relay off the 08M, there is an overview in part 3 (i think?) of the manual that shows exactly this setup.


Welcome to the forum.

Have a look at manual 3 page 5.
No need for a relay, just use a single transistor + resistor in series with base as shown in the diagram.


Senior Member
What current draw is there on the transmitter?
What duty cycle (as per Taniwha's query)?
Note the PICAXE port can only deliver a max of 20mA (preferably less) so if a relay is suitable for the duty cycle, care must be taken to ensure the coil does not have too high an in rush current at turn-on.

Any of the four options in Section 3 of the manual as described on pages 5,6,7 would be suitable provided the ratings stack up.


New Member
Thanks to all for pointing me in the right direction. I'll read the suggested manual/pages appropriate to my question.

FYI - the draw is 300mW (3-5 seconds on then 20 seconds off). This continues for about 6 hours, then sleeps for 18 hours then the cycle starts over again.
