my iMac desktop won't unzip axe27 driver because its not mac software


New Member
Hi Hippy
I'm desparate to set up pickaxe to progress on with some programs but my pc can't find coms posts and keeps crashing so I've loaded picaxe successfully onto my new iMac desk computer but when I've downloaded the axe027 driver it won't let me because it's not a piece of mac software. Is there a way of telling iMac to accept other software? I'll keep trying but would appreciate some help.
Many thanks


New Member
hi it's me again user name michiko (female name but I'm a male)
I half solved how to download none mac drivers. I went to finder -system preferences - security privacy - general. Clicked on the padlock symbol and clicked open non mac software.
So that done I programmed a pickaxe 18m the pop up box reminded me 'obsolete purchase 18m2' but it let me click done which I did, but then came up with error pop up can't open port/dev/tty.usbserial - 0000101D.
I'll keep trying but any help would be good.
thank you