Megaprocessor - slower than a PIcaxe and a lot bigger


Senior Member
Megaprocessor - slower than a Picaxe and a lot bigger

I know this is not strictly Picaxe-related but should interest the folks on here. A man in Cambridge has designed and built his own mega-microprocessor using discrete components (including 42,000 transistors, 50,000 resistors and 10,000 LEDs). What an amazing project!
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Senior Member
Oh no… Anyone who would waste so much of their life on such a pointless project should be whipped (preferably by a hot blonde in a little black teddy).


Senior Member
'Build it and they will come.'

The gargantuan effort required to build this device may yet pay off.

Most of the others on the ring look a bit crap, but this one stands out. I could envisage an institution of some kind, like an industrial museum or chip manufacturer, paying a lot for a machine as professionally constructed and attractive as this.

Whatever happens to it, it's put James Newman on the map !.


Senior Member
Would seem he has too much time to spare & plenty of spare money !

42,000 transistors, 10,000 LEDs & 50,000 resistors, even at bulk prices, how much I wonder ?.

But, it must have been & no doubt still is, a fascinating project.



Senior Member
This is a technical work of art and a brilliant effort.

We dont all have the time, money nor the tallent to complete such a significant project, so envy rules I guess.


Senior Member
IMO there is real technical skill in doing what he does, presumably skills are similar for those who design the very latest CPU's, I am envious that he knows how to do it.