MAX7219 Serial LED Driver


Senior Member
Updated code.

Demo code supports 0-F characters but shows the methods to display any character.

Based on Ron Hacketts good work.

' === LED7219_0_F.bas ============= 2012.02.19  ============= Ron Hackett ===
'  Updated by Evan Venn to support 0-F chars and lookup table and corrected use of reserved word.

' This program runs on a PICAXE-08M & controls a MAX7219 LED display driver.
' The MAX7219 is connected to a 2-digit, 7-segment LED display.  Can support upto 4 LED devices.
' The program displays the word 0 thru 9, the program can easily support 0-F hex.

' === Constants ===

' Hardware interface to the MAX7219 

symbol maxclok = 4 		' data is valid on the rising edge of the clock pin
symbol maxdata = 1 		' data bits are shifted out this pin to the MAX7219
symbol maxload = 2		' briefly pulse this output to transfer data to LEDs

' Register addresses for the MAX7219

symbol decode =  9		' decode register; specify digits to decode
symbol brite  = 10		' intensity (brightness) register; 15 = 100%
symbol scan   = 11		' scan-limit register; specify how many digits
symbol on_off = 12		' 1 = display on; 0 = display off 
' === Variables ===

symbol outword = w0 		' concatenation of maxreg and outbyte
symbol outbyte = b0 		' data to be transmitted to the MAX7219
symbol maxreg  = b1 		' MAX7219 register that receives data
symbol index   = b2		' used in subroutine loop

symbol bcount = b12
symbol ccount = b13
' === Directives ===

#com5							' specify the com port
#picaxe 08m						' specify the PICAXE processor
' === Begin Main Program ==================================================

	setfreq m8

' Initialize the MAX7219

 	maxreg  = scan								' set scan limit for digits 0-3
  	outbyte = 1
  	gosub shoutbb
  	maxreg  = brite							' set brightness to 5 (15 = 100%)
  	outbyte = 15
  	gosub shoutbb
  	maxreg  = decode							' set BCD decoding for digits 0-3
  	outbyte = %00000000							' set for No-decode mode
  	gosub shoutbb

	maxreg  = on_off							' turn display on
  	outbyte = 1
  	gosub shoutbb


for bcount = 0 to 9
	for ccount = 0 to 9
		' Send data to the two digits in the array

	  	maxreg  =  1								' 1st LED (from left)
		' read segment value from EEPROM
	  	read ccount, outbyte
	  	gosub shoutbb

	  	maxreg  =  2								' 2nd LED (from left)							
		' read segment value from EEPROM
	  	read bcount, outbyte
	  	' add DP if required
	  	' outbyte = outbyte + 128 
	  	gosub shoutbb 
		pause 15

goto rep



' === End Main Program - Subroutines Follow ===============================

' ===== shoutbb Subroutine ==================================================

' Shift out the 16-bit data word to the MAX7219 (MSB first)

	for index = 1 to 16						' MAX7219 specifies a 16-bit word
		if bit15 = 1 then						' set sdata to correspond to bit15
			high maxdata
			low  maxdata
		pulsout maxclok,1 					' pulse clock line 
		outword = outword * 2 				' shift outword left for next MSB 
	next index
	pulsout maxload,1							' load the data word into MAX7219

' See the MAX7219 data sheet - Table 6. No-Decode Mode Data Bits and Corresponding Segment Lines
' this the data for the characters to be displayed.  0-F hex or you can simply use 0-9
EEPROM 0, (0x7e,0x30, 0x6d, 0x79, 0x33, 0x5b, 0x5f, 0x70, 0x7f, 0x7b, 0x77, 0x1f, 0x4e, 0x3d, 0x4f, 0x47 )


Senior Member
Serial four digit 7-segment LED display module

Further to the example above this code display a simple clock (accurate to the clock within the 08m2!) using similar code. I am using a great product from Embedded Lab - a seven segment PCB and display, see

' === LED7219_0_F.bas ============= 2012.06.27  ============= Ron Hackett ===
' Update by Evan to support Embedded Lab 4 Segment display - simple clock demo
' Updated by Evan Venn to support 0-F chars and lookup table and corrected use of reserved word.

' This program runs on a PICAXE-08M2 & controls a MAX7219 LED display driver.
' The MAX7219 is connected to a 2-digit, 7-segment LED display.  Can support upto 4 LED devices.
' The program displays the word 0 thru 9, the program can easily support 0-F hex.

' === Constants ===

' Hardware interface to the MAX7219 

symbol maxclok = 4 		' data is valid on the rising edge of the clock pin
symbol maxdata = 0 		' data bits are shifted out this pin to the MAX7219
symbol maxload = 2		' briefly pulse this output to transfer data to LEDs

' Hardware interface to a 10k to manage the LED 
symbol potport = 1 

' Register addresses for the MAX7219

symbol decode =  9		' decode register; specify digits to decode
symbol brite  = 10		' intensity (brightness) register; 15 = 100%
symbol scan   = 11		' scan-limit register; specify how many digits
symbol on_off = 12		' 1 = display on; 0 = display off 
' === Variables ===

symbol outword = w0 		' concatenation of maxreg and outbyte
symbol outbyte = b0 		' data to be transmitted to the MAX7219
symbol maxreg  = b1 		' MAX7219 register that receives data
symbol index   = b2		' used in subroutine loop

symbol xcount = b10
symbol acount = b11
symbol bcount = b12
symbol ccount = b13
symbol clockcount = w7
' === Directives ===

#com5							' specify the com port
#picaxe 08m2						' specify the PICAXE processor

' === Begin Main Program ==================================================

	setfreq m4

' Initialize the MAX7219

	maxreg  = 0
  	outbyte = 0
  	gosub shoutbb
	maxreg  = 0
  	outbyte = 0
  	gosub shoutbb
 	maxreg  = scan								' set scan limit for digits 0-3
  	outbyte = 3
  	gosub shoutbb
  	maxreg  = brite							' set brightness to 5 (15 = 100%)
  	outbyte = 15
  	gosub shoutbb
  	maxreg  = decode							' set BCD decoding for digits 0-3
  	outbyte = %00000000							' set for No-decode mode
  	gosub shoutbb

	maxreg  = on_off							' turn display on
  	outbyte = 1
  	gosub shoutbb


for xcount = 0 to 6
for acount = 0 to 9  	
for bcount = 0 to 5
	for ccount = 0 to 9
		' Send data to the two digits in the array

	  	maxreg  =  1								' 1st LED (from left)
		' read segment value from EEPROM
	  	read ccount, outbyte
	  	gosub shoutbb

	  	maxreg  =  2								' 2nd LED (from left)							
		' read segment value from EEPROM
	  	read bcount, outbyte
	  	' add DP if required
	  	' outbyte = outbyte + 128 
	  	gosub shoutbb 
	  	maxreg  =  3														
		' read segment value from EEPROM
	  	read acount, outbyte
	  	' add DP if required
	  	outbyte = outbyte + 128 
	  	gosub shoutbb 
	  	maxreg  =  4														
		' read segment value from EEPROM
	  	read xcount, outbyte
	  	' add DP if required
	  	' outbyte = outbyte + 128 	
	  	gosub shoutbb 	  	

		' wait for next second
		clockcount = time
		do while clockcount = time
			maxreg  = brite							' set brightness to 5 (15 = 100%)
		  	readadc potport, outbyte
		  	outbyte = outbyte / 17						' 255 divider
		  	gosub shoutbb

goto rep



' === End Main Program - Subroutines Follow ===============================

' ===== shoutbb Subroutine ==================================================

' Shift out the 16-bit data word to the MAX7219 (MSB first)

	for index = 1 to 16						' MAX7219 specifies a 16-bit word
		if bit15 = 1 then						' set sdata to correspond to bit15
			high maxdata
			low  maxdata
		pulsout maxclok,1 					' pulse clock line 
		outword = outword * 2 				' shift outword left for next MSB 
	next index
	pulsout maxload,1							' load the data word into MAX7219

' See the MAX7219 data sheet - Table 6. No-Decode Mode Data Bits and Corresponding Segment Lines
' this the data for the characters to be displayed.  0-F hex or you can simply use 0-9
EEPROM 0, (0x7e,0x30, 0x6d, 0x79, 0x33, 0x5b, 0x5f, 0x70, 0x7f, 0x7b, 0x77, 0x1f, 0x4e, 0x3d, 0x4f, 0x47 )