LED Test Problem


New Member
I'm new to PICAXE and I'm trying to run the LED Test program in the picaxe_manual1. I'm using a 28X1. The program downloads with no problems and the LED will flash on then off, then that's it.

What's odd about this is that when I unplug the serial cable from my computer, the LED flashes on and off continually as it should. As soon as I plug the cable back in, the LED stops flashing.

Also, after downloading the program to the PICAXE, if I start the Serial Terminal with the serial cable still plugged in, the LED will start flashing continually as it should. If I close the Serial Terminal, the LED stops.

Does anyone know what may be causing this? Does it have something to do with the serial port on the PICAXE waiting for a program download?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!



Senior Member
Hi Richard,

You don't mention if you are using a ready-made board, or if you made your own. This kind of problem is often solved by carefully looking at the download circuit, ensuring that the Ground connection is indeed at 0V, ie battery minus.

If you still cannot figure it out, please post your circuit diagram.



New Member
Thanks for the responses. I've made the circuit on a breadboard, but I've double-checked that the connections are correct (comparing to the schematic in the picaxe manual) and have used the continuity function on my multimeter to ensure that there are no loose connections. I will take a picture of the breadboard and upload it as soon as I can.

Thanks again! :D


Senior Member
You need to disconnect the serial program to run the program in the PicAxe.
Ive just tried mine and the led flashed on and off until i unplug the programming lead.

Hope this helps


Senior Member
You need to disconnect the serial program to run the program in the PicAxe.
Ive just tried mine and the led flashed on and off until i unplug the programming lead.

Hope this helps
Any PICAXE should run just as well when connected via the programming cable or not. I suspect there is something amiss with the interface wiring.

Can can attach a close-up photo of the breadboard circuit, including the serial cable connection?